Solar and wind grow three times more than other energy sources

In five years, the two sources added around 1 TW in installed capacity across the planet
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Solar e eólica crescem três vezes mais que as demais fontes combinadas
Solar and wind energy are the most competitive sources, points out ISES. Photo: Freepik

One lifting published by ISES (International Solar Energy Society), pointed that the solar and wind energy all around the world are being installed at a speed much faster of than the combination of all other sources.

According to the study, the two renewable energies registered between 2011 and 2021 one average annual growth of 2.7% – a percentage that would be three times greater than the sum of all sources compared to the same period. 

In the most recent clipping (from 2016 to 2021), the survey goes further and reports that solar and wind energy alone were responsible for adding around 1 TW of installed capacity on the planet, of which 650GW would have come from the generation through photovoltaic panels.

 Together, the two sources would also be responsible for a large part of the growing demand for electricity, which since 2011 has been increasing more than the world population.

“Soon there will be large-scale electrification of transport, heating and industry. This will lead to a double or triple demand for electricity, with solar and wind supplying (a large part) of this new load”, highlights the study. 

Because of this, there are no doubts for ISES. “This offers convincing evidence market-based that the photovoltaic and wind energy are now the more competitive and practical methods for the implementation of new generation capacity”. 

Solar as the main source

The published survey also draws attention to another relevant factor: that the solar energy capacity installed globally increased more than 500 times us last 20 years. 

Solar e eólica crescem três vezes mais que as demais fontes combinadas
Solar and wind dominate global net power capacity additions. Photo: ISES

At this pace, global installed solar power capacity is expected to exceed by 2031 the entire combined volume of energy: nuclear, hydroelectric, gas and coal. “Cumulative installed solar capacity will soon surpass wind,” highlights the report.

“In 1985, when the current flagship of the photovoltaic industry, PERC technology, it was still an innovation that would take another 20 years to flourish, the total annual production of photovoltaic modules was less than 25 MWp. Today, many of the individual photovoltaic module manufacturers Tier 1 produce 25 MWp/day”.

Finally, the study points out that the solar energy Today it already has a resource base very bigger than any other source of generation and that has everything to generate more than Global Future Energy 60%. “The current growth rate in annual PV deployment is almost enough to achieve this.”

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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