SolarUnit – the world's first integrated system

DAH Solar solution integrates microinverter with 97.55% efficiency and full-screen panel
SolarUnit primeiro sistema integrado do mundo
SolarUnit brings together the advantages of a high-technology module and the benefits of microinverters. Image: DAH Solar/Disclosure

O SolarUnit system This is the integration between microinverter It is photovoltaic module. Who dreams of the perfect wedding?

When we talk about integration specifically, it means that the module he was manufactured specifically for operate with this microinverter and the microinverter for operate with this module. But what does this imply?

In this methodology, the equipment becomes more efficient, having better performance in energy generation. The module for this technology was developed with 3-cut cell, that is, there is a 3x reduction in the operating current of the cell and consequently of the panel. 

Having a reduction in current directly implies a relationship with the operating temperature of the equipment, both the micro and the module, causing both to operate at lower temperatures and have lower loss rates throughout the useful life of the system, and this is results in greater energy production. The SolarUnit microinverter has 97.55% of maximum efficiency, one of the highest in the MLPE market.

Still on the SolarUnit microinverter, it is an innovative piece of equipment with several specific features, such as the design coupled to the module, the operation considering 2 or 3 modules in series and also the technology in its semiconductors, which uses Gallium Nitride , being considered the 3rd generation of semiconductors.

The solar panel used is manufactured using N-Type technology with TOPCon Cells, widely used by DAH in its lineup of products. Furthermore, the SolarUnit kit module includes full-screen technology, without borders, reducing the need for preventive maintenance as it does not retain dirt and water.

In addition to the panels and inverters, the SolarUnit comes standard with all installation accessories, trunk cable, communication DTU and other necessary accessories. The aim is to facilitate the logistics of components and also the storage of the product.

For the integrator or company that will carry out the installation, the benefits in the fields are also great, as there is a reduction in installation time – since the computer is already coupled to the module, without the need for extra structure for the computers, and also the entire The system is considered Plug & Play for easy connection. 

During monitoring, manager plants are created, which are important so that the distributor, the integrator and the user can be aware of all points related to the system's operation.

In terms of safety, as they are dedicated equipment to operate together, there is a great reduction in connection incompatibility, as there is no need to change connectors to be compatible, this being provided for in the standard (ABNT NBR 16690), as the modules already have the same connectors as the microinverter. Along with this security, there is the entire deal with just one manufacturer for the entire set, whatever the need.

DAH Solar has a team in Brazil, fully dedicated to instructing and obtaining the necessary benefits with SolarUnit.

Other features of SolarUnit

Another advantage, in addition to the ease and flexibility of SolarUnit installation, is its shadow immunity. The set, by having the microinverter attached, has its own MPPT (maximum power point tracking), which eliminates the problem of partial shading that occurs in traditional strings of photovoltaic modules.

Check out more details at link

Full-screen technology

In 2022, TÜV Nord published a comparative field test report between 460 W DAH modules – a single-facial panel with full-screen technology and the other half-cell with mono-PERC technology, both with the same dimensions of 1910 x 1134 x 32mm.

The results showed that the power generation of the full-screen compared to the conventional half-cell mono-PERC model was 11.5% higher. This generation gain advantage is characterized by the lower amount of dirt that full-screen models present compared to others, mainly due to the structure of the panel without a front frame, which favors the natural washing of the plates by rainwater.


A residential customer, located in the city of Dourados (MS), received the installation of a photovoltaic system with full-screen modules that are providing a 10% increase in power generation.

According to engineer Germano Caires, owner of Evo Brasil Energia, the company responsible for the project, the client is achieving savings of approximately R$ 900 per month on their electricity bill with the solar plant.

The opinions and information expressed are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of Canal Solar.

Picture of Leonardo Rodrigues
Leonardo Rodrigues
LATAM technical manager at DAH Solar.

3 Responses

  1. I saw that we have this technology with 3, 6 and even 10 modules. Which distributors have this equipment to sell?

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