SolarView receives funding from R$ 4 million to improve plant monitoring

Cedro Capital invested in the Minas Gerais company to develop new features on the platform
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19-10-22-canal-solar-SolarView recebe aporte de R$ 4 mi para aprimorar monitoramento de usinas
SolarView's goal is to reach 3 thousand subscribers by 2023. Photo: Freepik

A SolarView, mining company solar power plant monitoring, it received contribution of R$ 4 million from Cedro Capital, resource manager from Brasilia.

According to company, the amount will be directed to the development of new features on the platform, which monitors energy generation installations, as well as product evolution and commercial expansion and distribution.

“During these years, we have followed the evolution of SolarView, which is already present in a large part of the country’s solar generator installations,” said Alessandro Machado, managing partner of Cedro Capital.

“More recently, they developed a recurring business model for commercializing their SaaS platform, SolarView PRO. This was decisive in the investment decision by Cedro Capital”, he added.

According to the company, with the contribution received, the The goal is to reach 3 thousand subscribers by 2023, with growth of 170%.


In 2015, SolarView launched, in an unprecedented way in the sector, the SolarView Datalogger, the first universal data collector. With the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, the device collects, stores and transmits data from photovoltaic inverters.

“Its main difference from the competition is that it is universal, that is, it communicates with practically all brands of inverters present, while other equipment communicates exclusively with inverters from a certain brand”, highlighted Aécio Bolzon , CEO of SolarView.

Two years later, the company launched the SolarView app. The platform allows the owner of a plant to monitor generation and consumption in an integrated manner, enabling greater transparency and agility in energy management.

It was during this same period, according to the company, that they approached Cedro Capital and began to build a fluid relationship. Until, this year, the fundraising process began.

“The objective of the contribution is to consolidate our leadership in the market and evolve our solutions and technologies. We have always had and still have a role, which is to bring innovation to the solar energy market. Therefore, we are working on an ecosystem of solutions that will help integrating companies to take advantage of solar after-sales as a business opportunity”, highlighted Bolzon.

Other solutions

In 2018, they launched the Smart Meter SolarView, an IoT device, which measures, stores and transmits electrical data to detail energy flows in the Consumer Unit. Still in the same year, they received the 2018 Energy Award, promoted by Shell Youth Initiative, in the Energy Innovation category.

In 2019, the company introduced SolarView PRO to the market, a SaaS (Software As a Service) solution for post-sales management for integrator companies – they design, sell, install and monitor the plant.

The following year, they launched the new version of Smart Meter SolarView, called 2.0, which brought a series of new facilities for installation and configuration. Also this year, the SolarView Super App was launched, which allows Integrators to take advantage of their after-sales to develop their recurring business model.

In 2022, the big news was the launch of the Marketplace within the Super App. This solution allows the purchase of after-sales services by each solar integrator's own customers.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.
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