Solis will hold an exclusive event to launch 350 kW inverters

Product line meets the growing demands of the GC sector; equipment supports greater overload than 80% with 700 W panels
Energia solar Canal Solar Solis fará evento exclusivo para lançar inversores de 350 kW
Hotel Sheraton will host the Solis launch event. Image: Sheraton São Paulo WTC Hotel/Reproduction

The year 2023 saw unprecedented growth in the incorporation of new power plants in centralized generation. With the entry into commercial operation of 291 projects, the country boosted its installed capacity by more than 10.3 GW, the highest annual growth since the beginning of the historical series of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) in 1997.

In this scenario of expansion of centralized generation, the need for equipment that meets the needs of investors, mainly in the photovoltaic market, motivated the launch of inverters in 333~350kW for applications utility-scale from the manufacturer Solis.

Click here to attend the exclusive launch dinner

According to the company, the new line of inverters reaches the Brazilian market with exceptional technical features, designed to meet the growing demands of the centralized generation sector.

With a starting voltage of 500 V, the Solis inverter 350 kW sets a new standard in the market, surpassing the average of 550 V. “This feature not only improves system efficiency, but also contributes to optimizing the design of solar installations, resulting in tangible economic benefits,” stated the manufacturer.

Arte: Solis
Art: Solis

Also according to Solis, in order to meet the most varied market demands, the product will be available in two different versions. The version with 12 MPPTs and 24 inputs has high input current, ideal for working together with bifacial modules. The M16 version, with 16 MPPTs and 32 inputs, allows greater flexibility and performance in different environments.

Furthermore, as long as their electrical supportability parameters are respected, the new equipment operates with overload values greater than 50%, thus attesting to its robustness in different project scenarios.

Launch event

Solis will promote, on January 30th at the Sheraton Hotel, in São Paulo (SP), a product launch event. At the meeting, they will present the details, benefits and specificities of the Solis 350 kW inverter, in addition to lectures on trends in the centralized generation market and new technologies in solar panels. Access the website and sign up.

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Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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