Online solution allows integrators to increase their sales

According to ABComm (Brazilian Electronic Commerce Association), since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 135 thousand stores have joined e-commerce to continue selling and remain competitive.

Consequently, combining the exponential growth of the solar sector and IT (Information Technology) and taking advantage of the boom in e-commerce can make a difference in business. Therefore, Aldo Solar announced the integration of its inventory for virtual stores and sales systems for resellers in these segments.

O Aldo Crazy Manager is a program that, according to the company, offers cutting-edge technology to provide agility and flexibility in logistics operations. It enables the expansion of resales into the digital market, which registered growth of 200% this year, and is already responsible for 13% of national retail sales.

Resellers who join the program can maintain their own virtual store and sales systems, relying on Aldo's stock. Thus, they will have 14 thousand different SKU's (Stock Keeping Unit) that are integrated with photo, description, tax data, cost price and available quantity.

With this, resellers will only need to apply the profit margin, the logistics fee and make the products available for sale. Once the purchase is made by the consumer and the invoices are cleared, Aldo is responsible for delivery to the reseller, or to the end customer.

This innovation is the result of a partnership with WDNA, specialized in technology and development of web systems. The company developed the Grid2B platform, which integrates products and orders between virtual stores and distributors.

“We are very proud of our new multi-platform system, Grid2B. It allows resellers to work with the distributor's stock without needing to have physical stock, automatically, digitally and without bureaucracy, regardless of the e-commerce platform or sales system used”, said Ben Hur Teixeira, commercial director at WDNA.

According to the executive, the investment to connect to Grid2B, if the integrator already has a virtual store, is from R$ 50. “For R$ 50 reais, he buys 400 credits. Each credit entitles you to update 20 products. The retailer himself will choose how many times to update. In other words, Grid2B consumes the credits that people acquire. When they run out, the platform notifies the retailer that they need to buy more credits to continue updating or adding products.”

“If the online store does not have a platform, the cost is R$ 1 thousand for setup. In return, the integrator receives a ready-made, personalized 100% store, with banners, with all the distributor's products, all configuration, prices, payment methods, solar calculator to carry out simulations and customization with the company's visual identity, for example. In other words, you receive a professional store”, concluded Teixeira.

Creation of a personalized online store for resellers

Also through Aldo Crazy Manager and the partnership with WDNA, it is possible to create a complete virtual store, at low cost and in just 10 days. Resellers can use ready-made layouts for free and customize them according to the company's logo and colors, for mobile and desktop.

Aldo also highlighted that the virtual store will be hosted on high-performance AWS (Amazon Web Service) servers, ensuring security, speed, scalability and technology for businesses of all sizes.

“Granting resellers more competitiveness by working with Aldo’s stock in real time guarantees a virtuous cycle for the entire chain. The entrepreneur offers the best products without the need to invest in stock and the consumer can also count on Aldo's logistics process, receiving the products in record time. This new phase of Aldo Crazy Manager will further boost business in the solar sector, promoting sustainability and the economy”, highlighted Aldo Pereira Teixeira, president and founder of Aldo.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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