Sou Energy launches campaign to overcome the objection regarding the cost of wire B

The company's action aims to promote the market and attract more consumers to the use of solar energy
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Canal Solar-Sou Energy lança campanha para contornar a objeção do custo do fio B
The objective is to help the market understand that the advantages of own energy generation through solar sources

Aiming to show Brazilian consumers the advantages of generating their own energy, the I'm Energy launched a promotional campaign which presents an induction cooktop stove to all consumers who purchase solar energy generators through one of its independent integrator partners spread across the country.

According to the company, the campaign is only valid for generators with values above R$ 10 thousand. Mário Viana, Commercial and Marketing Director at Sou Energy, highlights that the main objective is to help the market understand that Advantages of generating your own energy through solar energy, go far beyond saving on electricity.

“The market will soon understand that anyone who generates their own energy can, in addition to generating the energy that runs their home, also generate the “gas” that cooks their food and the “fuel” that runs their car. The name for this is sustainability, freedom, comfort and autonomy. This is solar energy”, highlights Viana.

The executive also points out that after changes brought about by Law No. 14,300, many sellers are unsure and have difficulty demonstrating the financial viability of a photovoltaic system. For this reason, the campaign involves explaining how generating your own energy through solar sources can bring savings to the consumer's pocket.

The executive also exemplifies how the economy will be saved through the campaign. "It's quite simple. The energy produced by the solar energy system is now used to cook food, just as it works in Europe and the USA, where there are no gas stoves. If I don’t use gas, I stop buying gas and this generates savings in my household budget”, he points out.

“In addition to saving on your energy bill, those who generate your energy can save on cooking gas. This savings, which was previously not considered in payback calculations, can now be brought into the account and can eliminate up to 100% of the impact of the cost of wire B”, he adds.

“It is exciting to see companies like Sou Energy seeking creative solutions to help consumers overcome the challenges associated with Law 14,300 and the new cost of B wire. Self-generation is still the best way to reduce energy costs and, combined with the use of induction cooktops, allows consumers to eliminate up to 100% from the cost of cooking gas as well”, concludes Viana.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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