TenBrasil conducts LGPD training for employees

The implementation of the Law will bring more security to suppliers, customers and employees of the company
Ten Brasil realiza treinamento em LGPD para funcionários

The distributor of photovoltaic equipment TenBrasil carried out a training with your employees about LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Law).

According to the company, the implementation of LGPD generates a positive impact between the consumer and the company, as it generates greater reliability as data from suppliers, customers and employees will be properly treated.

A Law No. 13,709/2018 regularizes the processing of data through Brazilian legislation, protecting the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free formation of the personality of each individual.

According to Priscila Picinini, specialist responsible for training at the distributor, many people are not aware that they are exchanging their personal data for some benefit. “Who does the LGPD apply to? It applies to any natural or legal person who processes data with personal values and which has an economic purpose”, he added.

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According to André Chaves, process manager at TenBrasil and co-responsible for implementing the LGPD, despite the data protection law coming into effect in 2019, compliance only began to be enforced in August 2020.

“TenBrasil is seeking to adapt to this information by ensuring that these rules are complied with with the company. We are working on this project so that we can do an effective job and ensure that customers and partners have their data stored correctly”, highlighted Chaves.

“One of the processes of implementing the general data protection law here at TenBrasil is the creation of an email where all customers, suppliers or employees can send their questions to find out what data the company is processing and request , at any time that is convenient, the deletion or alteration of them”, he explained Mayara Adam, Controller and co-responsible for implementing TenBrasil's LGPD.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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