Store roof collapses during installation of solar panels in Bahia

MTP initiated a procedure to investigate possible labor responsibilities in the case
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Teto de loja desaba durante instalação de painéis solares na Bahia
A woman was injured after a store ceiling collapsed in northern Bahia. Photo: Disclosure

O ceiling of one store of construction materials collapsed, on the morning of this Tuesday (30), in the city of Juazeiro, in the north of Bahia. The accident happened around 9:45 am and the collapse of the structure occurred during the installation of solar panels on the roof of the establishment.

At the time of collapse there were at least 19 people inside the store. After observing the falling debris, everyone began to desperately leave the place. A woman was injured and had to be taken to the hospital. 

This Wednesday (31), the MTP (Public Ministry of Labor) established one procedure to determine the eventual labor responsibilities in the collapse of the structure.


Although there is no weight rule, on average, a 500 W module weighs around 25 kg, which means that a project done without correct technical analysis can cause several problems in the structure, such as falls, accidents and even deaths.

Therefore, every photovoltaic installation must be treated with the rigor that engineering demands and allows, as the civil engineer explains Eliasafe Schwertner, in the course of Civil Engineering for Solar Energy Systems of Solar Channel.

According to him, one of the most common mistakes that occur in photovoltaic civil engineering is the lack of an analysis of the structure on which the solar panels will be installed. 

“Many integrators disregard the weight of the panels, thinking that the roof will be able to carry 100 modules easily, for example. We are talking, in this case, of almost 3 tons on the roof”, he highlighted.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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