Paten's basic text is approved in the Chamber and goes to the Senate

Green Fund will finance sustainable development projects, Padis and GD enter as amendments
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Paten é aprovado
Legislative house approves sustainable development project. Photo: Leonardo Sá/Agência Senado/Reproduction

O Patent (Energy Transition Acceleration Program) had its base text approved on Wednesday (20) by the Chamber and now continues for analysis in Senate. O The program's objective is to finance sustainable development projects. 

For this, the text creates the 'Green Background' – a financing fund that aims to obtain resources through precatory titles and tax credits, being administered by BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) and through lower interest rates

According to the project, the total credit that companies will have with the Union (precatório) will be around R$ 800 billion, which can be invested in financings.

The approved text is from the rapporteur Marussa Boldrin (MDB-GO), which replaces Bill 327/2, by former deputy Christino Aureo (PP-RJ) and uses the content of PL 5174/23, authored by deputy Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania-SP) .

What projects can be covered by Paten?

The projects that can be subsidized are those focused on technology and production of renewable fuels, such as second-generation ethanol, aviation biokerosene, biodiesel, biomethane and green hydrogen. 

Research and development linked to renewable energy sources are also points listed in the PL, which focuses on replacing polluting matrices with renewable sources. 

Among them are the expansion of the production and transmission of solar, wind, biomass energy, among other clean energy sources.

The rapporteur expanded the list of projects that can be financed by the program, which are natural gas production and expansion projects, hydroelectric plants of up to 50 MW, recovery and energy recovery of solid waste, including in rural properties, and development and integration of energy storage systems.

Solar energy and Padis

The rapporteur of the text included in the PL the permission for electricity distributors to use separate resources to seek energy efficiency for the installation of microgeneration distributed in non-profit community associations. The amendment was authored by Pedro Campos (PSB-PE).

The companies' counterpart is to allocate, annually, 1% of operating revenue to research and development focused on energy efficiency in the electricity sector.

Following the amendment, distributors will be able to use resources to install solar panels in entities. Energy that is not used by entities may be directed to beneficiaries of the social tariff. 

Another accepted amendment was products benefiting from Padis (Support Program for Technological Development of the Semiconductor Industry), such as machine batteries and electronic devices for recording and reproducing sounds and images.

The beneficiary company must invest annually in the country in research, development and innovation activities. The value of the investment must be at least 5% of gross revenue in the domestic market. The benefit of this investment is to use 13.1% of the amount invested as a credit to discuss federal taxes due.

Green Background

The Green Fund will be administered by BNDES to guarantee the risk of financing granted by financial institutions to those interested in financing projects that were approved in Paten.

According to the text, the Fund will be made up of credits with a request approved by the Revenue for reimbursement and held by legal entities governed by private law with a project approved in the program.

Another form of financing is through tax credits, such as: IPI (Tax on Industrialized Products), PIS/Pasep, Cofins, and Cofins Importação. 

In addition to companies, states and municipalities can join the program, as long as they publish a law for this purpose and verify the validity and approval of the credits that will be paid.

With information from Agência Câmara

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