Tigo presents solutions for greater solar generation, monitoring and security

The manufacturer presented the Tigo TS4 family and the Energy Intelligence software platform at Intersolar South America 2021
Tigo apresenta soluções para maior geração solar, monitoramento e segurança
The manufacturer was present at Intersolar South America 2021

Participating for the first time at Intersolar South America, Tigo Energy celebrated one year of operations in Brazil by presenting its TS4 Flex MLPE (Module-Level Power Electronics) devices, including the newly introduced TS4-A-2F and Tigo Energy Intelligence software platform.

According to the manufacturer, the device solves common problems in Brazil, such as shading, multiple orientations and system expansion with modules of different powers for solar installations.

“Projects are growing, becoming more robust, and the Tigo Energy team is ready to support its customers and partners so that MLPE can increasingly be present at installations, offering security, monitoring and optimization, in addition to contributing to increasing their profits. ”, highlighted Marcia Cesare, director of Latam Operations at Tigo Energy.

“Tigo optimizer technology brings new features to photovoltaic modules, making it simpler to solve the challenges of implementing solar projects of different sizes”, says Antônio Carlos, head of engineering at Treesol Company.

“Tigo optimizers offer ease and speed of assembly, as well as high-tech equipment. Optimizers can be used with modules and inverters from almost all manufacturers. They provide security for the integrator and the customer and offer a unique monitoring system,” he added.

“With its reach in Brazil, Tigo MLPE technology is now a truly global solution, and the market possibilities are enormous because these products do not require installers to rework the installation process,” commented Manoel Monteiro, sales manager representing LATAM at Tigo Energy.

“The combination of Tigo optimizers with our new EI monitoring platform is the ideal solution for greater energy production and cost reduction, leading to greater gains and better return on investment (ROI – Return on Investment) for our customers”, he added. Monteiro.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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