Workers go to Brasília to question the proposed regulation of Law 14,300

One of the points of discussion is ANEEL's proposal to create TUSDg for microgeneration in Group B consumers
Canal Solar Trabalhadores vão à Brasília pra questionar inconsistências na proposta de regulamentação da Lei 14.300
Yellow helmets will be present again in the capital in favor of maintaining jobs

Solar energy sector workers must return to Brasília this Tuesday (7) in favor of the maintenance of thousands of solar energy market jobs.

The mobilization's main objective is to question points of inconsistency brought up in the ANEEL proposal which deals with the regulation of Law 14,300/2022 and which was presented at last week's public board meeting.

know more

ANEEL postpones vote to better analyze the regulation of Law 14,300

Market receives draft from ANEEL on Law 14,300 with apprehension

Second Hewerton Martins, president of MSL (Associação Movimento Solar Livre), ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) is creating a regulation outside of what was determined in Law 14,300.

Martins highlights that the sector's biggest concern is the Agency's proposal to create the TUSDg for the microgeneration segment distributed and, according to him, the expectation is that the mobilization will sensitize the topic's rapporteur, the director Hélvio Guerra.

“We hope that director Hélvio will remove this TUSDg charge for microgeneration. And the mobilization is intended to send a signal that this is not viable and that it will make small projects unfeasible, even going against the Minha Casa Minha Vida programs and other social programs that aim to generate energy for small consumers”, he adds.

He also assesses that ANEEL's proposal is similar to what happened in Spain and Portugal, which was the adoption of policies that negatively impacted the sector.

He also says that a mobilization is also being carried out with federal deputies, since, according to him, “it is just about enforcing the text expressed in the law”.

In an interview with Solar Channel, federal deputy Celso Russomano, author of PL 2703/2022 which aimed to extend the deadline for the entry of Law 14,300, stated that he is aware of the mobilization and is monitoring the situation. “The regulation of the law cannot exceed the limits of the law, nor alter the law itself”.

The deputy also informed that he intends to promote the holding of a public hearing to discuss the topic. However, I still haven't been able to say the date.

The board meeting is scheduled to start at 9 am on Tuesday (7) and must be broadcast on ANEEL's YouTube. According to the Schedule, the process involving the regulation of 14,300 is the first item.

Interested parties can make a request to talk about the topic. Click here to register. According to the Agency, oral arguments will last a maximum of 5 minutes.

Yellow helmets

The mobilization held in Brasília on November 7, 2019 was the first act of the movement that became known as “Yellow Helmets”. At the time, professionals wore yellow shirts and wore helmets of the same color.

The motivation for the mobilization was ANEEL's public hearing 040/2019, called by the Agency with the aim of obtaining subsidies and additional information regarding the rules applicable to micro and mini generation distributed for the preparation of the draft text for Normative Resolution 482/2012 .

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

3 Responses

  1. The impression given that these regulatory agencies, Aneel, Anatel and others, are at the service, not of the Brazilian people, but of corporations with economic power! People have already paid for the electricity infrastructure a long time ago, and to this day, this investment is charged to the consumer's bill.

  2. Solar energy is a gift from God, taxes cannot only be charged on industrialized materials to capture the energy...and distribute it.

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