“Brazil has made an effort towards the energy transition”, stated MME minister 

Meeting with representatives of the twenty largest economies in the world is taking place in Belo Horizonte (MG) and runs until Wednesday(29)
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“O Brasil tem feito um esforço sobre humano na transição energética”, afirmou ministro do MME
For the energy transition to be successful, the world needs to have global awareness.Photo:MME/Disclosure

A 3rd meeting of the Working Group on Energy Transitions of the G20 is happening this week, on the days May 27th to 29th, in Belo Horizonte (MG). The main objective of the event is to discuss about the social dimension in global energy transition

O minister from the MME (ministry of Mines and Energy), Alexandre Silveira, was present on the first day of the event and stated that it is necessary to understand the energy transition like a new model in social and economic development

The minister also commented than for fight The energy poverty, it is necessary to guarantee the access The electricity and clean technologies for various routine actions, such as cooking.

One example cited by the minister to combat energy poverty is the Program Light for All, developed through the public policies of the federal government. This program uses O off-grid system, which consists of solar energy with batteries. 

The off-grid system allows access The energy in regions in hard access, promoting energy inclusion. Furthermore, allows that consumers manage yours own energy and contributes to a sustainable energy matrix. 

Silveira still stated that the Brazil and the leader due to its energy matrix, for its decarbonization of industry, mobility It's from transport of the biofuel tables.

Another factor highlighted by the minister is that, for the success from the energy transition, it is necessary for the world to have a global awareness. “The world needs global recognition and governance for the energy transition to happen effectively. Only our energy matrix is not enough”. 

"O Brazil has done a effort superhuman in energy transition. The country leads the production of solar energy, wind, photovoltaic and the biomass it just doesn't lead nuclear power in the world, he said.

According to the IEA (International Energy Agency), are required US$ 8 billion annually to guarantee the access universal to clean cooking by 2030. This implies triple you investments current ones, which are US$ 2.5 billion, for to reach that goal in seven years.

"A big obstacle To achieve universal access to clean cooking technologies is the lack in investment and financing of sectors public It is private. In this sense, successful policies related to access to these clean technologies, implemented by some emerging markets and developing economies, could present valuable opportunities for South-South cooperation”, he added.

The minister also suggested one partnership with African countries to help in energy planning for the coming years, as has been done in Brazil, through EPE (Energy Research Company), linked to the MME.

“We have to recognize the importance of planning energy of long term, on its most varied fronts, to guide actions, instruments in financing It is policies of energy transition in countries”, he added.

Furthermore, Silveira commented about the manifestations that happened before the event. The minister talked with professionals solar energy sector locations about The current situation in requests in projects in micro It is minigeneration distributed. 

The protesters reported that Cemig (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais) has rejected projects of 5 kWp with the justification in flow reversal and, at the same time, the energy distributor would be allowing the connection of plants from 1 MW to 5 MW in its area of operation. 

“A part of the manifestation what is fairstated the minister. He explained that the reason from to CEMIG no to approve those projects and the lack in investments on the part of company

"A company does not he has allowed that the projects be connected, and some investments already carried out are stopped. Furthermore, other projects were not started because, in order to be financed, it is necessary to make deadlines compatible”, he added.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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