Energy transition boosts economy in Mato Grosso

Brasol, Oeste Solar and Enersim projects already total R$ 250 million in investments
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Transição energética movimenta economia no Mato Grosso
Investments have already reached R$ 250 million. Photo: Disclosure/Brasol

A energy transition at the Mato Grosso comes bringing fruits beyond environmental care. With the construction of 45 photovoltaic plants in GD (Distributed Generation), the economy of seven cities is having a positive impact

Alta Floresta, Matupá, Boa Esperança do Norte, Poconé (Cangas district), Cuiabá (Our Lady of Guia district), Nova Ubiratã and Santo Antônio de Leverger are contributing 222 direct jobs, and around 5 thousand indirect.

To build these plants, Brasol, a company invested in by Siemens and BlackRock, invested R$ 250 million.

Next to Brasol are the Oeste Group, responsible for construction of the plants, and Enersim, responsible for quota management, through shared generation. In total, the plants will generate energy to supply around 10 thousand homes.

Views on investments in the state

“The expansion of solar plants in Mato Grosso not only represents a crucial step forward towards energy sustainability, but also offers a unique opportunity to boost the state economy,” said Tiago Vianna, CEO of Enersim Energia and director of Oeste Solar.

“These solar plants are not just power generation structures; they are engines of economic growth. The construction and maintenance of these projects require qualified labor and specialized services, creating employment opportunities in various areas, from engineering to installation and maintenance”, he added.

Governor Mauro Mendes commented that the energy transition is not only an environmental issue, but also an economic and social one. “Clean energy is what the world is looking for today. It is important for Brazil, for Mato Grosso. And it is an irreversible path and process. And that is increasingly gaining time and space”, believes Mendes.

The president of the Mato Grosso Association of Municipalities, Leonardo Bortolin guarantees that he is a defender of the projects led by Oeste Energia and Enersim. Both to make solar energy more accessible and to make consumer bills cheaper. 

“I defend it not only as a factor in the generation of clean and sustainable energy, but also as a generator of employment and income, with employment opportunities, due to the breadth of activity of companies with investments present in several municipalities in the state, thus also promoting social equity”, said Bortolin.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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