Tsingshan, Fox ESS and REPT: the entire production chain “in-house”

Integrated control is a decisive factor in a market as competitive as energy
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Grupo Tsingshan, Fox ESS e REPT toda a cadeia produtiva “dentro de casa”
Since its inception in 2019, Fox ESS has stood out as a global giant in the energy industry. Photo: Fox ESS/Disclosure

In a world increasingly aware of the need to clean and sustainable energy, the ability to dominate the entire production chain has become a crucial competitive differentiator in international industry. O Tsingshan Group, together with the Fox ESS It is REPT, perfectly exemplifies this strategy. 

Companies stand out for their technical competence and innovation and its ability to vertically integrate its operations, providing control over the production and distribution in photovoltaic equipment and solutions for energy storage.

Ambitious and strategic vision

Since its creation in 2019, Fox ESS has distinguished itself as a global giant in the energy industry, focusing on the development of inverters and solutions for solar energy storage high-quality. 

In just a few years, the company achieved a valuation of US$ 1.38 billion at Hong Kong Stock Exchange, giving it the coveted unicorn status. This success is not the result of chance, but rather a clear vision and a business strategy well designed, supported by the Tsingshan Group.

Tsingshan Group, a Chinese giant in the stainless steel and nickel sector, has been a key pillar in Fox ESS's growth. Its inclusion in the list of Fortune Global 500 attests to his influence and financial capacity. 

In addition to supporting Fox ESS, Tsingshan Group is also a shareholder in battery manufacturer REPT, consolidating its control over the entire production chain, from extraction of raw materials to the production of energy storage solutions.

The advantage of integrated control

By mastering each stage of the production process, the Tsingshan Group not only reduces costs, but also guarantees the quality and continuous innovation of its products. This integrated control is a decisive factor in a market as competitive as the energy market. 

In 2022, the Tsingshan Group registered annual sales of US$ 55 billion, employing more than 150 thousand people around the world. In 2023, your Nickel production increased 27%, reaching a record 1.2 million metric tons, consolidating 26% of the global nickel and lithium extraction market.

In addition to its stainless steel production, which reached 16.28 million tons, Tsingshan Group is also aggressively expanding its power generation capacity. 

With 11 GW already in production, plans are to increase this capacity to 50 GW by 2026. This expansion puts the Tsingshan Group at the forefront of inverter companies in Asia and highlights its crucial role in future of global energy.

Implications for the future

Tsingshan Group's ability to control the entire productive chain “in-house” provides a significant competitive advantage. 

This dominance ensures not only efficiency and cost reduction, but also the ability to respond quickly to market changes and constantly innovate. A alliance between Tsingshan Group, Fox ESS and REPT is destined to shape the future of energy, promoting more sustainable and efficient solutions.

In a global scenario where the demand for clean energy only tends to grow, companies that manage to dominate the production chain and continually innovate will be the ones that define industry standards. 

Tsingshan Group, with its integrated approach and long-term vision, is ideally positioned to lead this transformation. This is a clear example of how the vertical integration and innovation can drive success in a market as competitive and crucial as energy.

Tsingshan Group's dominance over the energy production chain is not just a competitive differentiator, but an intelligent strategy that guarantees efficiency, quality and continuous innovation. 

As the world seeks more sustainable solutions, companies like Tsingshan Group, Fox ESS and REPT show the way forward, demonstrating that vertical integration and strategic vision are critical to the future of global energy.

The opinions and information expressed are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of Canal Solar.

Picture of Giulia Di Sipio
Giulia Di Sipio
Graduated in International Relations with a focus on business, she has a solid trajectory in the energy sector since 2016. She began her career in the Oil & Gas segment, performing logistics functions at GE Oil & Gas until 2018. She then migrated to the commercial and marketing, assuming the role of Marketing Analyst for Latin America at Framatome, an EDF group company, specialized in nuclear energy. In 2020 it became Global Marketing until 2022 when it entered the promising renewable energy market, more specifically in the solar energy segment. Since then, he has held the role of Marketing Manager for Latin America, Portugal and Spain at Fox ESS, actively contributing to the growth and consolidation of the brand in these expanding markets.

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