Floating solar plant on Billings Dam receives license to operate

CETESB authorizes the start of operations at the plant, which can generate up to 10 GWh per year
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Usina solar flutuante na represa Billings recebe licença para operar
Billings floating solar plant. Photo: CETESB/Disclosure

A floating solar plant installed in Billings Dam received the LO (Operating License) of CETESB (Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo) and you can now start generate energy

This is first plant type photovoltaic capital of São Paulo and was named UFF Araucária. The license request was made by Universo Fotovoltaico Flutuante SPE SA, a holding company for non-financial institutions.

According to CETESB, the plant will be the largest in the country operating commercially in GD modality (distributed generation) floating, with generators located close to consumption centers.

Photograph: CETESB/Disclosure

O complex occupies less than 0.1% of the area of dam and has capacity to generate 10 GWh per year, the equivalent of the consumption of 4 thousand homes.

O enterprise has approximately 10.5 thousand solar panels installed on polyethylene floats, with 5 MW of installed power total.

A plant he is next to the edge of Billings Dam and from Quarry Elevation Plant, with network associated electrical 13.8 kV and a right-of-way with a total length of 2,500 meters (90 poles) and three meters wide.

Photograph: CETESB/Disclosure

Furthermore, the plant has five skids of 1 MW, with a total area of 356 square meters, It is three cabins measurement area with a total area of 337 square meters.

A full completion of the works is scheduled for the end of 2025, with the delivery of other 75 MW of renewable energy and investment of R$ 450 million.

Billings Project

According to an article published by Canal Solar, on January 18 of this year, when the Opening from the first step project implementation, the initial investment in the plant was R$ 30 million

O São Paulo government considers the power plant as one of the main projects of development of sustainable energy and is being implemented under the coordination of SEMIL (Secretariat of Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics).

“The project is very interesting because we are taking advantage of the water surface to generate energy. We have the first photovoltaic plant floating what will generate energy commercially in Brazil”, said governor Tarcísio de Freitas, on the day of the plant’s inauguration.

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