90% of PV plants under construction in GC are destined for the Free Energy Market

Between March 2023 and February this year alone, 58 GW of photovoltaic projects were awarded in the country
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90% das usinas solares em construção são destinadas ao Mercado Livre de Energia
Granted power increased by 68% in one year in Brazil. Photo: Reproduction

With collaboration of Henry Hein

O Brazil until February this year, it accounted for more than 144 GW of power granted in the GC (centralized generation) of solar energy – which represents a increase of 68% (with an increase of 58 GW) compared to the same period last year, which totaled 86 GW. 

Of this amount, 12 GW are in commercial operation; 7.1 GW in the construction process that has started and 95.2 GW in the construction phase that has not started, according to data released by Greener, this week, during the Greener Summit 2024. 

Among these numbers, attention is drawn to strength that solar energy have today in the free contracting environment: 90% of the volume under construction and 64% of operational plants being destined exclusively for the Free Energy Market. 

In Greener's assessment, this scenario is a result the retraction of solar energy auctions at the regulated market. 

The consultancy also highlighted the presence of the photovoltaic source by pointing out that, in February of this year, 2,762 MWm of solar generation were registered in the SIN (National Interconnected System), equivalent to 3.7% of the country's electricity consumption.

Furthermore, an increase of 34% in solar generation was recorded compared to the same period in 2023.

Largest solar parks

During the event, Greener also announced which solar GC plants are in operation in Brazil (in terms of power), with emphasis on the Janaúba complexes, in Minas Gerais; São Gonçalo, in Piauí; and Futura, in Bahia. 

Regarding the largest photovoltaic parks under construction, data released by Greener shows that four of the ten best-ranked parks are in Minas Gerais, namely the Arinos solar complexes; Happy view; Jaíba and Good Luck.

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Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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