Is it worth having solar energy in your home?

See how it works, what its advantages are and also the prices
Painéis solares fotovoltaicos no telhado da casa
The more energy the photovoltaic panels produce, the less you will need to use from the electricity grid. Photo: Elements

If you want to significantly reduce the value of your electricity bill and still consume electricity from a clean and sustainable source that does not pollute the environment, then the answer to the question above is yes.

A photovoltaic solar energy, which comes from sunlight, has been growing strongly around the world, thanks to the many advantages it offers, including in Brazil.

The solar source is in 5th position on the list of energy sources in the country and has the potential for much greater growth in the coming years.

How does residential solar energy work?

When you install a photovoltaic system in your home, your solar panels will transform the sun's radiation into electrical energy for you to use in your everyday life at home.

The more energy the photovoltaic panels produce, the less you will need to use from the electricity grid, thus saving on your energy bill.

If you produce, with your solar panels, more energy than you consume and your photovoltaic system is connected to the public electricity grid, that is, an “on-grid” system, then the surplus is injected into the grid generating credits.

These can be accumulated and used at times of low solar energy generation, such as at night.

Already the off-grid photovoltaic systems, less common, are independent of the public electricity grid, and can accumulate surplus solar energy generated by charging a bank of batteries to provide electrical energy at times when solar energy generation is not possible (nighttime).

Como funciona a energia solar residencial
How residential solar energy works in practice

What is the advantage of having a solar energy system at home?

With the installation of solar panels for your own energy generation, you are less dependent on fluctuations in energy tariffs and increases in your electricity bill.

Your only cost with the photovoltaic system, in addition to the initial installation investment, are taxes on energy consumption.

Furthermore, by using and promoting the use of photovoltaic solar energy, you also boost the use of a non-polluting source, which does not contribute to the increase in global warming and which is one of Brazil's bets to expand its renewable energy matrices.

How to install the photovoltaic system at home?

To invest in a photovoltaic system for your home, you can use own capital or obtain bank financing.

Several financial institutions in Brazil now offer their own financing lines for residential solar energy.

Depending on the value of the financing installment, it can be paid with the savings generated on the electricity bill provided by the photovoltaic system.

You can also find the best in our list solar energy companies close to your residence.

What is the price of the residential solar energy kit?

We can calculate an approximate value for the installation of the solar photovoltaic system, ready for use and approved by the concessionaire, based on the cost from R$ 4/W to R$ 5/W.

A house with a monthly consumption of 300 kWh usually needs a photovoltaic system with approximately 2.5 kW of power, which is equal to 2,500 W.

Therefore, to produce 300 kWh/month the cost of the photovoltaic system will be 2500 W x R$ 5/W = R$ 12,500.

Cálculo para descobrir o custo
Power of the photovoltaic system will be defined based on electricity bill consumption

If your home needs more energy, it needs more photovoltaic solar panels installed. For example, with twice the power (5000 W), the system can produce 600 kWh/month with an initial installation cost of R$ 25,000.00.

Always look for qualified professionals to install photovoltaic solar energy and demand contracts that protect you, as the customer, from possible losses caused by poorly done installations.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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