Cascavel councilors charge Copel for power cuts in rural areas

Motion of Appeal in the city council wants the concessionaire to reduce cuts in rural areas of the city
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Vereadores de Cascavel cobram a Copel por cortes de energia na zona rural
Councilors recalled power cuts in March. Photo: Cascavel City Council/Reproduction

A Cascavel City Council (PR) approved a motion of appeal to Copel (Companhia Paranaense de Energia) due to frequent interruptions in electrical energy in countryside of the city.

Approved by unanimity, the proposition reports that the constant cuts affect the everyday life of consumers, in addition to bringing losses to the agribusiness and the economyThe.

The Chamber also recalls the blackout that occurred in March 21st, caused by strong winds, but which until the 26th of the same month there were still UCs (consumer units) no electricity.

The appeal is for Copel to take measures to “mitigate the constant occurrences of electricity shortages in the rural area of Cascavel”. And when they happen, the distributor must do its utmost to reestablish the connection as quickly as possible.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

One Response

  1. Congratulations on the excellent article, very informative and relevant! It is really interesting to observe the advances and challenges in the sector. However, it is a shame that resources are a little scarcer than the Paraná government had initially announced. This makes the search for sustainable alternatives even more crucial.

    Taking advantage of the opportunity, I would like to share interesting content about solar energy conditions in the western region of Paraná, more specifically in Cascavel.

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