Vivo inaugurates its 1st solar plant in the Federal District

Under construction, the "Athon 100 Brasília" plant generated approximately 110 direct jobs and 60 indirect jobs
In total, the photovoltaic solar plant covers 15 thousand m². Photo: reproduction

Vivo opened its first photovoltaic plant in the Federal District, in the Café sem Tronco region, in the rural nucleus of Paranoá.

The plant will serve more than 530 of the operator's consumer units located in the CEB (Companhia Energética de Brasília) concession area.

“This is another important step for Vivo, which advances its model of distributed energy generation, with economic, social and environmental benefits also for the surrounding community”, says Caio Guimarães, director of Heritage at Vivo.

The plant was built and will be operated by Athon Energia. In total, the plant covers 15 thousand m² and has an installed capacity of 4,824 MWp exclusively for Vivo's operation.

During the construction period, the “Athon 100 Brasília” plant generated approximately 110 direct and 60 indirect jobs and in the operation phase, it will generate 20 jobs, both direct and indirect.

The plant is part of Vivo's project to install 70 plants in all regions of Brazil, operating in 23 states and the Federal District. The objective of the project is to increase efficiency and reduce the company's energy consumption, which in 2019 saved 7% in energy consumption.

According to the company, 15 of them are already operating in the country and the rest should enter into operation by the second half of 2021. The first solar power plant leased by Vivo was inaugurated in June this year, in Campinas (SP).

The plant, built by TMW Energy, has a capacity of 4.77MW. Vivo's investments in DG (distributed generation) are carried out by contracted companies, through a long-term partnership, where the concession lasts up to 20 years.

Vivo is the first company in the sector in Brazil that has maintained a renewable energy consumption of 100% since 2018, with 61% from solar sources, 30% from hydro and 9% from biogas.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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