Voting on the GD Legal Framework is due in June

PL 5829 was passed over in relation to other agendas and can only be voted on from next week
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As published by Solar Channel, the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies will not vote this Wednesday (26) on PL 5829 (Bill No. 5829/19), which aims to create the Legal Framework for mini and microgeneration distributed in Brazil. The proposal was included in the Agenda, but parliamentarians decided to prioritize other measures during the session.

“Congress will vote on them between today and tomorrow. As a result, our project should, perhaps, only be voted on next week. Let’s hope and keep pushing,” said Bárbara Rubim, vice-president of distributed generation at ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), in a video released, in the early afternoon, by the entity.

This week, the solar sector was experiencing great expectations for the text to be voted on and approved in a single round this Tuesday (25). However, the session went on longer than expected and only two of the nine items on the agenda were considered by parliamentarians.

Only in this Tuesday's session of brief announcements, in which each registered deputy has up to three minutes to make their initial comments on the Agenda, more than four hours were used for discussions. Generally, this part does not last more than two hours.

If approved by the Chamber and the Senate, the GD Legal Framework will assign to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) the responsibility for considering all technical, environmental and social attributes for distributed micro and minigeneration in the calculation of energy compensation.

Initially, the measure was scheduled to be voted on at the beginning of last year, but ended up being postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The topic was only revived in December, when the majority of deputies voted to make the text urgent, allowing it to skip some steps in the processing process.

It is worth remembering that PL 5829 has already been put on the agenda for voting in the Chamber several times this year, but was never analyzed by deputies in extraordinary sessions. The text is evaluated positively by associations and professionals in the renewable energy sector and negatively by large economic groups, mostly formed by energy distributors. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. Good afternoon . Any news? I heard behind the scenes news that the vote will take place next week, but an agreement has been reached to modify the project, harming solar energy users. Do you know any news?

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