Voting on PL 2703 in the Federal Senate is postponed

The project was on the agenda of the Plenary this Wednesday (14), but was withdrawn
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15-12-22-canal-solar-Votação do PL 2703 no Senado Federal é adiada
Farewell speeches by Nilda Gondim, Fernando Collor and Simone Tebet dominated this Wednesday's session. Photo: Roque de Sá/Agência Senado

O PL 2703, which changes the Law 14,300, was not voted on Federal Senate Plenary this Wednesday (14). O project was on the agenda, but it was removed from the Agenda, with no date yet to be discussed. Once approved by the Senate, the text goes to presidential sanction and changes the GD Legal Framework.

As reported by Solar Channel, the document was approved last week by the Chamber of Deputies with 260 votes in favor and 83 against. The proposal aims to extend by another six months the deadline for the entry of the new energy compensation rules defined in Law 14,300/2022.

In other words, it aims to extend the deadline for micro and mini electricity generators to request access to the distribution network without losing current benefits. until July 2023. And in the case of PCHs, it proposes that the deadline be until July 2024.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

2 Responses

  1. There is no incentive for the population in relation to environmental sustainability, there is so much talk about the environment and when it comes to the use of renewable energy, such as solar, the legislators, chamber and senate, are little concerned about the Brazilian people's electricity bill. . The creation of a deadline for installing a photovoltaic system is absurd. There weren't even supposed to be barriers, but more incentives!

  2. At the current moment, in the world and in Brazil, it is a lack of respect for Brazilian citizens, this law, which in quotation marks, only makes sense for dealerships. While other countries provide incentives for their inhabitants, this law of Brazil is completely at odds, we at Instaltec photovoltaic plants in Pouso Alegre Minas Gerais, we repudiate the human beings, totally unqualified, who created and brought this law to a vote. It is ridiculous, this taxation, people buy it with their own money, generates the energy, delivers it to the Concessionaire, the Concessionaire uses this energy to sell it to its customers, and then they will charge it to the same Brazilian, who has his plant that generated all these aspects.

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