1st Brazilian Congress of Energy Women will be in SP

The event will bring an immersion into the energy sector for women

O 1st Brazilian Congress of Energy Women will be held on August 22nd, in São Paulo (SP). The event seeks to bring women's reality within the corporate area, especially the energy segment.

According to the organization, the aim of the event is to offer an immersion in the female universe, expanding connections, promoting business, pointing out trends and discussing issues and expectations for the future of the sector.

“We want to break down invisible walls, true taboos, and consolidate the participation of women who already work in the sector, in addition to attracting new professionals to companies, regulatory bodies and sector entities. The Congress is part of the Association's broad and long-term institutional work”, explained Zilda Costa, director of Regulation at ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation).

The fair will feature 37 speakers, all women professionals in the area, who can speak in depth and properly about the functioning of the energy market for the feminine gender. In total they will be six panels with themes relevant to the segment.

“There was no difficulty in finding qualified and active female speakers. The biggest barrier we are overcoming is the way of thinking about events of this type, which, for the most part, lack the presence of women. In other words, it is necessary to have a new mentality to provide spaces for female participation and presence”, said Lúcia Abadia, Commercial Director at ABGD.

Check the schedule:

09:00 – Opening;

09:30 – Challenges in the energy sector;

11:00 – GIZ: Education as a vehicle for inserting women in the energy sector;

12:30 pm – Networking lunch;

2:00 pm – Successful and impactful careers in the energy sector;

3:30 pm – The future of the energy sector;

4:55 pm – Coffee Break;

17:00 – How to increase competitiveness through diversity;

6:30 pm – Highlight Awards 2021;

7:30 pm – Celebration Cocktail.

According to the congress organization, the speakers will include names such as Liza Rocha, CEO of Oca Energia; Mônica Marcondes, Comercial Santander; Lucia Abadia, ABGD; Clarissa Zomer, Architecting Solar Energy; Fernanda Calandrino, Huawei; Mirian Penna Diniz, Eletron Energy; Thawane Larissa, lawyer Energia TWS.

To hold the event, the organization counted on the corporate support, such as Abiogás (Brazilian Biogas Association), ABRAPCH (Brazilian Association for the Promotion of Small Hydroelectric Plants), ABEEólica (Brazilian Wind Energy Association), Digital Air, Sindienergia-RS (Renewable Energy Industry Union of Rio Grande do Sul ), Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses), GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and the German Cooperation Deutsche Zusammenarbeit.


Where: Renaissance São Paulo Hotel, Alameda Santos, 2233, Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, SP.

When: August 22nd.

Information: https://www.sympla.com.br/evento/1o-congresso-brasileiro-das-mulheres-da-energia/1650169

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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