4 tips for building a successful professional career

Never forget that self-responsibility is important for your development
3 minute(s) of reading

In my view, the practice of mentoring should be established since college. Therefore, in the corporate world this mutual collaboration would naturally be better accepted and more beneficial.

Here I am not just referring to the topdown movement, but also to the reverse practice, in which young professionals at the beginning of their careers could also collaborate with more experienced ones, thus building bridges between generations of professionals, enabling the expansion of everyone's vision and the ability to open our minds to new questions, answers and perspectives.

Therefore, today I share with you a little of my experience on this journey, through tips that were and continue to be present in my journey and in my daily life, which keeps me constantly evolving.

Let's go together?

1) The first step, in my view, is fundamental. Before anything else, have a sense of purpose, not only knowing where you want to get to, but most importantly: why do you want this?

Simon Sinek has a very interesting TED talk that is worth watching, not only at the beginning of your career, but at different times in your life, as we set goals and everything is fine, as long as we have purpose. There he explains about the Golden Circle and how great leaders inspire action.

2) Are you starting your career? Be optimistic and always exercise gratitude. See and learn from your mistakes, see them as an opportunity to start over in an even better way!

3) Accept changes, be flexible and stay focused, always remembering that, although they may seem like simple tasks, they require discipline and self-reflection from us on a daily basis. After all, there is no magic formula, just dedication and courage to be the best version of ourselves every day.

4) Be tireless in learning more about yourself, cultivate self-esteem and confidence. No matter how difficult times are, never stop believing in your ability to overcome!

Always count on a support network. Everyone needs help sometimes. I, for example, rely on my family and friends, strengthen my relationships and, when necessary, seek professional help.

Bonus tip: never forget that self-responsibility is important for your development. Always start the reflection with yourself and remember: we are in eternal training, day after day.

And you? If you could share one tip or reflection today about starting your career, what would it be?

Picture of Monalisa Gomes
Monalisa Gomes
Advisory advisor for ESG at Edmond. He worked as CEO of Fronius in Brazil. Today, she works as a learning facilitator for the Innovation Leadership course at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Mentor of the "We for Elas" female leadership program. Member of the advisory board of the "Diversity and Inclusion Forum" of CKZ Diversidade.

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