52% of startups that can minimize energy impacts are from the solar sector

Study mapped the profile of more than 4,500 young companies and among those selected are Revolusolar and Litro de Luz
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Startups selecionadas pelo estudo
Revolusolar's Sustainable Energy Program brings energy to Rio communities. Photo: Revolusolar/Disclosure

A mapping carried out by Quintessa – a company that develops solutions for the environment – points out that Brazil has at least 192 startups with the potential to help solve the country’s energy problems.

Of this amount, more than half of young companies (100) work with photovoltaic projects.

The survey mapped the profile of more than 4,500 national startups and concluded that those selected have great potential to act on three fronts considered urgent: use of renewable sources, energy efficiency and energy monitoring and management.

“Most of the startups mapped have the capacity to help private industry and public sectors in the better use of energy resources, in the supply of renewable energy, in addition to helping to understand possible and best scenarios”, highlights the study.

Quintessa also draws attention to the number of startups in the solar energy sector listed, which only, according to the entity, demonstrates “the strength and growing demand for this source and the need to diversify the Brazilian matrix, which is still very dependent on the source hydroelectric plant.”

Among the startups listed in the study is Revolusolar, which installs photovoltaic panels in Rio de Janeiro communities, with the aim of contributing to reducing energy expenses and helping to favela empowerment, in search of a more sustainable energy matrix.

“We work with a model that not only involves the installations, but also the educational nature so that we can pass on the autonomy and management of these systems to the community itself”, explains Eduardo Ávila, executive director of Revolusolar.

Another young Brazilian company that was also selected by mapping is Liter of Light, which is bringing photovoltaic energy to remote and difficult-to-reach communities in Brazil through partnerships with companies from different segments. In total, the entity has already installed more than 3 thousand solutions in all regions of the country, directly impacting, to date, the lives of more than 17 thousand people. 

“Litro de Luz has been present in Brazil since 2014, and we continue with the mission of improving people's quality of life through sustainable lighting solutions and empowering agents of transformation. In 2022, we will continue our work in search of a country where access to lighting overcomes socioeconomic and geographic barriers”, states the company

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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