92% of Brazilian shopping malls already buy energy on Mercado Livre

Business model brings positive impacts on the operating costs of projects, says Abrasce
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92% dos shoppings brasileiros já compram energia no Mercado Livre
Photo: Freepik

Nine out of ten shopping centers Brazilians (92% of them) today resort to purchasing energy on Mercado Livre, when negotiation is carried out directly between the consumer and energy generators or traders regarding price, volume and payment method.

The initiative allows businesses to achieve greater savings and also adapt consumption to sustainability goals. This is what one points out study prepared by Hug (Brazilian Association of Shopping Centers).

In addition to the 92% indicator, the The survey also provides data segmented by region of the country. At the North East, 97% of shopping malls employ this type of energy supply contract, followed by North (94%); South (91%); Southeast (90%) and Midwest (85%).

The Abrasce 2023 Sustainability Report also points out that the purchasing energy on Mercado Livre not only has a positive impact on operating costs, but also check one greater independence in energy management.

According to the study, the choice allows operations to be aligned with sustainability goals, contributing to a more efficient and ecologically conscious scenario.

“It is essential for companies to think about how to reconcile their development with the preservation of the environment, whether through waste management, water or electricity, and society as a whole benefits when there is more efficiency in the use of natural resources, which are finite and must be the object of strategic and responsible policies”, stated Glauco Humai, president of Abrasce.

The executive also highlighted other aspects of efficient energy management and the use of natural lighting, and highlighted data from the study: 93% in shopping malls take advantage of natural light, coming from skylights, large windows or overhead lighting (when the incidence is from the upper part of the architectural project).

Furthermore, in 91% of shopping malls, the energy generated in more than half of its spaces is done with LED lighting, ensuring greater energy efficiency and consumption up to 85% lower than fluorescent lamps.


The Abrasce 2023 Sustainability Report included interviews carried out from March to June 2023, based on a partnership between the entity and WINGS (Environmental and Social Solutions Agency). 

The study aims to map these initiatives, encourage sustainable practices and give greater visibility to the actions already carried out by the enterprises. In total, shopping malls receive around 443 million visits each month in 628 projects spread across the country. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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