Did BYD become a distributor of photovoltaic systems?

A somewhat intriguing title, isn’t it? But as this conversation unfolds, it will certainly make sense, don't be surprised.
5 minute(s) of reading

We had a very special week, because on the 22nd and 23rd the BYD Energy officially launched its integrated solution for the Distributed Generation market.

Strategic partners, collaborators, specialized press, as well as the company's presidency and board of directors gathered in Campinas (SP). The moment was a decisive milestone in the history of BYD Energy do Brasil, the result of a strategy formatted almost two years ago and based mainly on global guidelines for integrated solutions for the renewable energy market.

In this sense, it is worth remembering the history of BYD, a company founded in 1995 by Wang Chuanfu, a highly renowned chemist, who left the Chinese government in pursuit of his dream of bringing an integrated clean and sustainable energy solution to the entire planet.

This is how, subsequently, the three green dreams from BYD focused not only on generation of clean energy through photovoltaic modules, but also in energy storage through lithium batteries, distributing this energy efficiently and consciously through the electric mobility.

In terms of Brazil it is no different. We arrived in 2015 focused on the decarbonization process and opened our first electric bus and truck chassis factory.

Just two years later, in 2017, we opened our photovoltaic module factory, both located in the city of Campinas (SP). In 2020, we opened our third factory in Brazil dedicated to the manufacture of lithium batteries, in Manaus (AM).

As the largest clean energy company in the world with almost 300,000 employees and more than 40,000 engineers and researchers, BYD always invests on a large scale in Brazil and believes that the country will soon be one of the largest module markets in the world .

Currently, it is already among the 10th and will soon be among the 5th in installed photovoltaic capacity, counting on very significant growth over the next three decades, whether in the commercial, residential or rural market.

In this sense, a brand that is a reference in the market like BYD, seeks the space it deserves in this market, neither bigger nor smaller. We are aware of the saturation of the photovoltaic segment in some sectors and the recurring questions focused only on price, putting quality, safety and after-sales in the background of a project that must have at least a 25-year useful life.

Perhaps some of you have already heard me argue that products are not all the same. Also, our sale is about something we believe in, it is the story of a brand recognized around the world that wants, at the end of the day, to deliver a complete solution and offer the customer an identity and just one door to knock on.

Here, I arrive at the icing on the cake. This new BYD strategy does not aim to act as a distributor of photovoltaic systems, but rather to develop strategic partners in the Brazilian market aiming to bring integrated renewable energy solutions focusing on generation, storage and distribution through equipment such as photovoltaic modules, converters, lithium batteries and electric vehicles.

BYD is the only company capable of providing all solutions under a single brand, as a manufacturer that dominates all phases of this production chain.

In a market as large and promising as the Brazilian renewable energy market, where the number of distributors and sub-distributors in the DG market has grown exponentially in recent years, adding more than 20 thousand integrators to their respective customer bases, It becomes clear that BYD, with its strategic partnerships amounting to less than 1% of this total, will not act as a distributor.

However, a different perspective from a manufacturer to this market is necessary, aiming to develop partners who recognize value in BYD's partnership proposal, which in turn, goes far beyond generating clean energy, but also providing energy efficiency solutions. , where storage and distribution play fundamental roles and are certainly important pillars when talking about energy efficiency.

During my time at BYD China, I was able to understand what this brand truly means and everything it believes in. Mainly understand that BYD is not a company that offers an isolated product, but rather a brand focused on an integrated energy efficiency solution, thus closing a sustainable energy cycle that always aims to bring the safest and most efficient complete solution to the end customer.

In this sense, in more than five years in the company, as important as the direct participation in the inauguration of some manufacturing units, development of new products and solutions, strategic partnerships and BYD's initiation of the DG market, I can say that the development of the integrated solution It’s the realization of a big dream.

Picture of Marcelo Taborda
Marcelo Taborda
BYD Energy Sales Director. Professional with more than 20 years of experience in multinational companies, working in the commercial areas, project management and new business development for Solar Energy and Energy Storage System (ESS) through lithium battery technology.

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