The expansion of female presence in the Brazilian photovoltaic market

Josiane Palomino, CEO of Sou Vagalume, evaluates women's participation in the electricity and solar sector
2 minute(s) of reading
11-03-21-canal-solar-A expansão da presença feminina no mercado fotovoltaico brasileiro

“A significant increase in women in leadership positions is seen, but there is a lot of room for even greater participation.” This is the assessment of Josiane Palomino, CEO of Sou Vagalume.

During your participation in the podcast Papo Solar This Wednesday (10), the executive analyzed the female presence in the electrical and photovoltaic sector, both in the academic area and in the operational area, which involves structuring companies and carrying out projects.

“We have great references in the electricity sector, great women with extremely relevant roles. Speaking of the renewable market, in general, we have Elbia Gannoum at ABEEólica (Brazilian Wind Energy Association), we have Bárbara Rubim at ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), among many others who are present in everyday life segment”, exemplified Josiane.

Throughout the podcast, she also highlighted the importance of renewables for the energy market, a topic that is in evidence when looking at investments focusing on ESD (ecologically sustainable development).

“It is essential to have female roles that take on these positions and bring more and more information and more details about this day-to-day life so that we can have a more relevant participation”, he pointed out. 

Furthermore, according to the expert, it is more than proven that a diverse environment has a lot to contribute to all businesses, in general. “We are not just talking about the electricity and renewable sector, we are talking about business. When we talk about environments that tend to think very similarly, it is very difficult to have any discussion, any vision that suddenly corrects a course.”

“So, diversity comes with this role, because there are different minds, with different stories and talents, all contributing and bringing together so that they have different visions, so that they can grow in differences and in our compartmentalities. Therefore, I think that one of these issues is the issue of the female presence that brings this discussion to the table”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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