From 2021, Ipiranga will operate with solar energy in 5 states

The estimated savings are up to 15% in the cost of electricity stations
A partir de 2021, Ipiranga vai operar com energia solar em 5 estados

Aiming to reduce the cost of electricity, the Ipiranga gas station network will invest in solar DG (distributed generation) through the rental of photovoltaic plants. The company stated that five solar photovoltaic complexes are already under construction in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro and Ceará.

The project will be put into practice in partnership with GDSolar, which will take care of the construction, operation and maintenance of the photovoltaic plants, which should start generating energy by April 2021. The expectation is that, together, the plants will generate more than 51 thousand MWh per year, enough to supply the consumption of approximately 300 Ipiranga stations, with AmPm and Jet Oil franchises.

Also according to the Ipiranga network, the initiative, in addition to generating renewable energy, aims to support the operational efficiency and financial health of its resellers and franchisees, as the energy bill is the second highest operating cost of the network.

The estimated savings are up to 15% in the cost of electricity stations, achieving a reduction of approximately R$ 74 million in the network. Furthermore, the benefit will be offered at no additional cost or any investment on the part of resellers and franchisees.

“We identify opportunities and structure solid projects that are coherent with the business model of our stations and franchises, always seeking the best partners on the market. This project is innovation and sustainability, side by side, delivering another competitive advantage that, through the generation of renewable energy, offers more longevity to the business”, stated Marcelo Araujo, president of Ipiranga.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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