'The sale doesn't end when the system is delivered', says CEO of Megacomm

Bruno Bonfá talks about the importance of after-sales in the solar energy sector and the company's news for the market
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Canal Solar ‘A venda não acaba quando o sistema é entregue’, diz CEO da Megacomm
After-sales can make or break a company, says Bruno Bonfá. Photo: Envato

“I always ask my team: How many of you called the installer and asked if he had any difficulties with our fixing structure? Or if they are just worried about whether the kit was sold and delivered and move on to the next customer in line?”

O The above report was said by Bruno Bonfá, CEO of Megacomm Solar, during O podcast Sun Talk. In it, the executive made a point of highlighting that a sale It doesn’t end when the delivery of a photovoltaic system is made to the customer. “Which companies are differentiating themselves in the market? Those who pay attention to this”, he explained. 

In the executive's view, the After-sales service is a differentiator which can be the success or failure of a company today depending on how it is valued. “Let's look at both spheres: in relation to success, if it is done well it leads to something extremely important, the nomination. The referral channel sells more than any paid traffic.”

“On the other hand, look at the responsibility you have in after-sales. Think of a company that already has around three thousand plants installed, for example. Can you imagine all this with a problem? Will the installer live to have people in the field solving the problem? Today’s success could be the problem down the road”, commented Bonfá.

Solar in recent months

Another point addressed in Papo Solar was How Bonfá saw the solar energy sector in recent months. For him, the word that defines it is: challenger. “If we look at all the projections since 2012, we see exponential growth. The wonder of our sector is a high average ticket. This brought a lot of volume, which brings robustness.”

According to the executive, the Solar energy has never become unfeasible for Brazilian consumers. “We have a scenario today where the price of equipment is cheaper than before”, he pointed out.

Bonfá also pointed out that the energy is a global commodity that it is in scarcity and that solar energy is the source to be explored. “The evolution of society only increases energy consumption. However, we are together, the Sun is there for everyone. This is not an easy time, it is one of reflection. Let's be affectionate with our sector. Doing it anyway could be the poison of our market. The segment needs to advance as a company”, highlighted the CEO. 

Megacomm news

Finally, the executive announced during Papo Solar that Megacomm is investing in a new training center. The works are in the final phase and the place will be called Megacomm University. 

“We want to create an open space, where my suppliers can speak there, and you (Canal Solar), if you want, can hold an event too. I will be able to train people who want to enter the market and move on to specific courses for large plants”, he revealed.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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