ABSOLAR demands ANEEL action against distributors

Association alleges non-compliance with deadlines and difficulties imposed on Brazilians seeking to generate their own energy
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ABSOLAR cobra providências da ANEEL contra distribuidoras
ABSOLAR claims a worsening of the level of service quality and assistance provided by distributors. Photo: Freepik

A ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) forwarded, this Thursday (22), a office to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) demanding measures against electricity distributors. 

O document requests bigger rigor in supervision of the eventual non-compliance with deadlines and difficulties created by concessionaires to the consumers who are still trying to file the request for access to own renewable energy generation in Brazil.

According to the document sent, since the approval of the Law No. 14,300, in January this year, a considerable worsening of the level of service quality and care provided by distributors to customers and entrepreneurs in the segment has been happening.

“As the deadline approaches, numerous difficulties have been posed by distributors of energy, putting at risk access to this right by interested consumers (…) In recent days, complaints from ABSOLAR members increased significantly”, highlights the Association.

As an example, the entity cites the case of CEMIG, COELBA, EDP and Energisa websites, which, to make the distributed generation access request, would have been offline to respond to requests.

“The situation prevents the sending of documents to request access, causing delays for consumers and, even more serious, representing a real risk that these consumers will not be able to live up to the most beneficial rules for valuing credits”.

For ABSOLAR, such problems are serious when analyzing the moment they occur. “This entire situation further highlights the importance of restoring the deadlines of Law No. 14,300, granting consumers the possibility of generating their own energy while maintaining the current compensation rules until July 2023, and not just until January of next year.”

The Association, therefore, also requested in its letter that the ANEEL takes the necessary measures regarding these problems and other possible challenges and barriers that entrepreneurs and consumers may encounter with distributors until January 6, 2023, in order to avoid a new wave of judicialization in the electricity sector.

The document sent to ANEEL was also forwarded to Carlos Fávaro, rapporteur in the Senate of PL 2703/22  – legislative proposal that provides for the extension by another six months of the deadline for entry of the new energy compensation rules defined in Law 14,300 and which, as reported by Canal Solar, should not be voted on in the Senate. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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