ABSOLAR and Invest Paraná sign an agreement to boost solar sources

Partnership aims to attract new investments, generate more jobs and create new business opportunities in the region
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ABSOLAR e Invest Paraná firmam acordo para impulsionar fonte solar no estado
The state of Paraná has 484 MW of installed power. Source: State of Paraná

ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) and Invest Paraná, an investment promotion and attraction agency in the state of Paraná, signed this Tuesday (15) in Curitiba (PR) a cooperation agreement to expand solar energy in the region.

The agreement aims to attract new investments to the region, generate more jobs and income for the population and stimulate the development of new business opportunities for entrepreneurs, in addition to expanding access to solar energy for residential consumers, productive sectors, agribusiness and the public sector in the region. state of Parana.

Occupying sixth place in the national ranking of distributed solar generation in the country, the state of Paraná has 484 MW of installed power and has more than 42 thousand photovoltaic systems in operation.

“This agreement with the government of Paraná expands collaboration in favor of the social, economic and environmental development of the region”, highlights Rodrigo Sauaia, executive president of ABSOLAR.

According to the executive, its own generation of solar energy has already enabled Paraná to attract more than R$ 2.5 billion in investments, generate more than 13,900 jobs and collect more than R$ 620.1 million for public coffers. .

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“With this partnership, the state demonstrates its interest in further expanding access and use of photovoltaic technology by consumers in homes, businesses, industries, rural properties and public buildings”, highlights Liciany Ribeiro, state coordinator of ABSOLAR in Paraná.

“The sector is very optimistic about the new partnership and is prepared to contribute to the sustainable economic recovery of the state, also helping to achieve commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”, concludes Liciany.

According to Eduardo Bekin, CEO of Invest Paraná, photovoltaic solar energy is extremely relevant for the productive sector and, consequently, is a topic of great interest to Invest Paraná.

“Expanding access to clean and cheap energy contributes to increasing the competitiveness of products and services in Paraná and is an action aligned with the ESG agenda, a priority of the state government currently, led by Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior and followed by Invest Paraná”, emphasizes Bekin.

The signing ceremony will be held during the event ABSOLAR Meeting, which will bring together businesspeople, consultants, public authorities and experts for a series of debates in favor of the expansion of solar energy in Paraná and the region.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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