Electrical accidents record record in Brazil

Abracopel research shows that 949 incidents were recorded in the 1st half of 2022
08-09-22-canal-solar-Acidentes elétricos registram recorde no Brasil
The 1st half of 2022 recorded 330 deaths from electric shock. Photo: Envato Elements

Electrical accident records grew in the first half of 2022, according to data from Abracopel (Brazilian Association for Awareness of the Dangers of Electricity).

From January to June, 949 incidents were recorded involving situations of short circuits, current leaks, lack of maintenance, incorrect sizing of installations and other factors that could result in electric shocks or fires in businesses, homes or industries. Of this total, 384 people died.

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Last year, in the same period, there were 759 registrations. In 2020, 741; and, in 2019, 826 accidents. In other words: the first half of this year easily exceeded the quota for the last three years.

Electric shocks

Regarding electric shocks, the 1st half of 2022 had 458 cases, with 330 deaths. The number is higher than the first six months of the previous year, when 441 incidents were reported, followed by 355 deaths.

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“Compared to the period from January to June 2019, with 484 electric shocks, cases have been decreasing very little,” said Fábio Amaral, electrical engineer and director of Engerey Painéis Elétricos.

For the expert, many of these electrical accidents could have been avoided if people paid more attention to the quality of the installations and did not make any type of improvisation or electrical workaround.

“With regard to shock, for example, there is a standard [NBR 5410] that requires the use of the Residual Differential Device (DR) in electrical installations. The function of the device is to detect electrical current leaks, such as a child putting their finger in the socket, and thus disconnect the electrical circuit, preventing accidents. But, unfortunately, the rule continues to be ignored”, he pointed out.


Another fact that draws attention in Abracopel's research is the increase in fires caused by power overload and subsequent short circuit. In 2019, there were 260 cases of fires arising from electrical overload; in 2020, 287; and, last year, 288.

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According to Amaral, Abracopel's numbers demonstrate the carelessness of Brazilians with the maintenance of electrical installations, which must occur every ten years and be carried out by properly trained professionals.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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