International agreement seeks to expand green hydrogen production

Document signed by IRENA and the Hydrogen Council seeks to unite knowledge in favor of the renewable resource
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Acordo internacional busca expandir a produção de hidrogênio verde
Green hydrogen is currently a critical pillar for the decarbonization of energy systems

A IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) and the Advice of Hydrogen, a global initiative led by CEOs of more than 90 companies in the energy sector, have signed an agreement to jointly promote green hydrogen across the global energy system.

Through the document, the entities agreed to exchange knowledge in search of best practices and data on costs and volumes for electrolyzers, policy structures, market projects, certification systems, safety and technical standards.

The partnership will also draw on the complementary strengths and communities of the two organizations to achieve its intended objectives. “We must urgently step up action on all fronts of the energy transition to achieve our climate and sustainable development goals,” said Francesco La Camera, director general of IRENA.

According to the executive, green hydrogen is currently a critical pillar for the decarbonization of energy systems. “With today’s agreement, we have significantly increased the exchange of knowledge, international cooperation and coordinated action in this space”, he pointed out.

Daryl Wilson, executive director of the Hydrogen Council, said that the production of the element is important, as in addition to being a source of clean energy, it also guarantees greater cost efficiency and optimization at the level of energy systems. “Public-private collaboration with partners like IRENA is essential for this profound transformation to happen. We look forward to this next chapter of our partnership and accelerating the transition to net zero together,” he said.

green hydrogen

At the beginning of the year, a report published by IRENA pointed out that the hydrogen produced with renewable electricity can compete on costs with fossil fuels by 2030. The Agency's study also highlighted that the combination of decreasing prices for solar and wind energy, better system performance, in addition to economies of scale for electrolysers, will help make this possible.

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 The research analyzed the drivers of innovation and presented strategies that governments can adopt to reduce the cost of electrolysers by 40% in the short term and up to 80% in the long term. To achieve this objective, IRENA also highlighted at the time the need for standardization and mass manufacturing of electrolyser batteries, efficiency in operation, as well as optimization of material acquisition and supply chains.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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