Postponement of the vote on the regulation of Law 14,300 divides opinions

Associations and companies evaluate ANEEL's decision to postpone the vote until February 7th in different ways
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The next meeting on the regulation of Law 14,300 will take place on February 7th. Photo: Reproduction/YouTube

A decision of the board of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) to postpone for next February 7th The voting of process that regulates the rules of Law 14,300 divided opinions between professionals, associations and companies in the national photovoltaic sector. 

Part of the sector evaluated that quantity of contributions made during the ordinary meeting this Tuesday (31) would have sensitized ANEEL directors to think better about points considered key in the text, such as the TUSDg charge for microgeneration systems and the suspension of the deadline due to pending issues with distributors.

In contrast, other professionals understood that the postponement of voting still generates uncertainty regarding the final decision of the Agency.

For Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), the decision taken by ANEEL to listen to sector professionals and opt to postpone the vote until next week was the right one.

“The rapporteur (Hélvio Guerra) justified that his decision aimed to allow additional maturity to the proposed regulation, so that topics that were brought up could be better analyzed and could bring improvements to the regulation that will be established”, he said he.

"A The feeling is that the decision created space for a more constructive dialogue and for us to build better understandings in relation to the critical points of the text”, added Sauaia. 

Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR, during an ANEEL meeting. Photo: Reproduction/YouTube

Second Guilherme Chrispim, president of ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation), the extension of the deadline was a necessity. 

“Last Friday (27), ABGD had sent a letter to ANEEL requesting an extension of the deadline, based on the need to analyze the details of this process calmly. Now, with more time, we will be able to contribute to the discussion of this topic at the next meeting”, he highlighted. 

Heber Galarce, president of INEL (National Institute of Clean Energy) – an organization that participated with two secretaries in the ANEEL board meeting – said that he welcomes the decision taken by the Agency's directors.

“ANEEL's stance expands dialogue with the sector so that necessary adjustments are adopted in favor of the development of distributed generation in the country and intensify this sector's contribution to the national electricity sector”, he highlighted.


While associations and entities such as ABSOLAR, ABDG and INEL evaluated ANEEL's decision as positive, other professionals who also participated with their contributions to the meeting were not so excited about the measure taken by the Agency.

Hugo Brito, commercial manager at Enphase Energy, for example, said that during the meeting he felt that only Hélvio Guerra, reporting director of ANEEL, was the one who was sensitive to the questions made by the photovoltaic sector. 

“You just need to understand the attitude of the other directors. Hélvio was the only one who paid attention to all the participants who came forward to speak. He was the only one who listened, took notes and tried to become aware of what was being said”, he commented. 

Hugo Brito, commercial manager for the Central-West region at Enphase Energy. Photo: Reproduction/YouTube

Because of this, the professional believes that next week's vote (if it occurs) may not have such a favorable outcome for distributed generation. 

“I believe that it is unlikely that ANEEL directors will change certain points. I believe they can make the text clearer, but I find it very difficult for them to have a different position in relation to the text they themselves released last week”, he highlighted.

Understand the process

The regulatory process of Law 14,300 aims to define the technical and economic aspects of DG (distributed generation) in Brazil, as established by Law 14,300 itself.

In practice, the rules for applying the law to distributed micro and minigeneration systems in Brazilian territory will be defined.

At this Tuesday's meeting (31), there were 20 oral presentations from associations and companies in the electrical sector, the majority of which were from professionals in the solar energy sector.

After everyone present had made their explanations, the vote on the regulation was removed from the ANEEL meeting agenda.

The director-rapporteur of the process, Hélvio Guerra, understood that there was a need to evaluate in more depth the contributions presented by the solar energy sector during the hearing. 

“Some contributions raised doubts that need to be studied (…) I will remove the process from the agenda with the intention of resuming it at the next meeting that will take place on February 7th,” he said. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. It is very important that ANEEL's Mission, as we see on the sign photographed in the photos taken by Rodrigo Sauaia and Hugo Brito, is at the heart of the Law's regulation.
    “MISSION: Provide favorable conditions for the electricity market to develop with balance between agents and for the benefit of society.”
    As stated in ANEEL's Mission Statement, Distributed Electricity Generation is consolidating itself as a development, which cannot be hindered to the detriment of the benefit to society. I believe that Hélvio Guerra made the right decision by postponing the vote. However, I am concerned if the other directors do not have this same bias of seeking balance, incorporating development – an imminent change towards sustainability.
    Every evolution requires effort and to incorporate this and achieve balance, we need to rely on this effort from ANEEL.

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