Algorithm predicts failures in communication equipment and smart grid

Neonergia and Iberdrola develop technology with analysis accuracy greater than 90% in incidents
3 minute(s) of reading
06-07-21-canal-solar-Algoritmo prevê falhas em equipamentos de comunicação e smart grid

Use artificial intelligence and data analytics to apply an algorithm capable of predicting possible failures in telecommunications and smart grid equipment in the distribution network.

This is the objective of Neoenergia, which announced that it is developing an innovative project in partnership with the Iberdrola Innovation Center, located in Qatar, in the Middle East. 

According to the company, the result has an analysis accuracy greater than 90% in events that can happen within 24 hours.

In total, four parameters were used to create this technology. The first is packet loss – every five minutes, the system sends a message to the devices to check that quality standards are working. 

The company explains that this cycle of information exchange between the system and assets is continuously monitored and, in case of failure, a record is made. 

Likewise, he pointed out that response time is another parameter evaluated. It allows checking the interval between sending and receiving the response from the remote command given to the equipment.

Another point highlighted is that there are also parameters that check the availability and connectivity of network assets, which assess whether they are operating normally. 

“These criteria are the basis for how the algorithm works. With the analysis of all four, the technology can evaluate the functioning of the equipment and indicate whether any of them are likely to fail”, said João Vyctor Garcia, project manager and Smart Grid Planning and Standardization engineer at Neoenergia. 

For Javier Hernandez, technical director of the Iberdrola Middle East Innovation Center, the project, in this first stage, was able to help understand the relationships between the different devices on the network, being able to uncover connections that are not obvious, sometimes hidden, behind the networks. telecommunications service providers. 

“Predictive maintenance of Smart Grid systems allows companies to proactively manage imminent incidents, reduce operational expenses and increase network performance”, he highlighted.

Application location

The innovation is being applied at Cegri (Intelligent Network Management Center), a place that manages all telecommunications and network operations of Neoenergia's distributors. Cegri monitors more than 75 thousand devices and collects data that reaches 10 gigabytes per day. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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