Aliança Solar files a letter with ANEEL to alleviate rejections due to flow reversal

Measure adopted aims to ensure that distributed generation companies do not have the new resolution applied only in March 2024
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Aliança Solar protocola ofício na ANEEL para amenizar reprovações por inversão de fluxo
INEL's letter was sent to ANEEL this Thursday (30). Photo: Disclosure

A Solar Alliance, integrated by INEL (National Clean Energy Institute) and by MSL (Free Solar Movement), filed this Thursday (30) a job at ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

The entity requests that the new normative resolution (not yet numbered), which changes the Resolution 1,000/21 and establishes the rights and duties of electricity consumers with the inclusion of solar energy in the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program, not be applied only in March 2024.

O goal of action, according to Aliança Solar, is to provide more legal security to the sector, seeking out alleviate the problem of flow reversal in distributed micro and mini-generation solar energy projects, as the new document foresees important changes to Resolution 1,000/21.

In an interview with Canal Solar, Marina Meyer Falcao, president of the energy law commission of the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) of Minas Gerais and secretary of regulatory affairs at INEL, clarified the main points.

“What are the main articles that will be changed? Article 71, 72 and 73. Article 73, specifically, deals with all options, those connection alternatives, that were harmful to the reverse flow”, he said. 

According to her, with the approval of the Law 14,620/23 from Minha Casa Minha Vida, the new resolution was scheduled to be discussed at the meeting on November 28. However, the discussion was taken off the agenda by ANEEL director and rapporteur, Agnes Aragão. 

“In the first draft of ANEEL’s technical note, these changes were scheduled for December 31, 2023. However, in the second review, ANEEL moved to March 1, 2024, which is harmful for the sector,” said the attorney.

“The letter we filed asks to return this deadline count to December 31, 2023, because until March of next year there are four months. In four months, many companies have already gone bankrupt (due to the reversal of flow)”, highlighted Marina.


A Solar Alliance highlighted that will make also a coordination with companies in the energy sector that are at risk of closing their doors with the new regulations to create a task force to defend the cause and the content of the document.

To publicize the measures, Aliança Solar held, this Thursday (30), a live broadcast, which – in addition to the participation of Marina – was also attended by Lucas Pimentel, deputy secretary of regulatory affairs at INEL, and by Múcio Arcebi, engineer and lawyer at MSL.

Watch complete transmission, clicking here

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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