Aliança Solar meets with distributors in Rio Grande do Sul 

The meeting aimed to seek solutions to problems related to the rejection of connection requests for DG projects
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Aliança Solar se reúne com distribuidoras do Rio Grande do Sul
Meeting with electricity distributors took place at the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul. Photo: ALRS/Reproduction

Aliança Solar, a unit formed from the union of interests between MSL (Movimento Solar Livre) and INEL (National Institute of Clean Energy), met with representatives of the main electricity distributors in Rio Grande do Sul, at the Legislative Assembly of the State, this Wednesday (25).  

The main objective of the meeting was to seek a solution to problems related to the rejection of connection requests for distributed micro and minigeneration projects by distribution companies in Rio Grande do Sul. 

In Aliança Solar's understanding, local distributors – such as RGE of the CPFL Energia Group, for example – have not been correctly using Article 73 of Normative Resolution 1,059/2023 in their foundations, which, in February this year, amended REN 1,000/ 2021 from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). 

Both MSL and INEL consider that the grounds for the disapprovals issued by the concessionaires do not respect, above all, section I of the new legislation, which provides for an “assessment of the degree of disturbance to the consumer’s facilities and other users in their distribution system”.

For this reason, Aliança Solar proposed some contributions in defense of consumers in Rio Grande do Sul. “What we ask is that the Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul makes, through a request, the request for energy concessionaires to explain themselves why they are not complying with item 1 of Article 73”, explained Hewerton Martins, president and founder of MSL. 

In the document sent to the Assembly, Aliança Solar requests:   

  • That a letter be issued to the concessionaires of public electricity services in the State of Rio Grande do Sul so that they can explain to the Legislative Assembly the technical reasons for the rejections due to reverse flow, on the basis required by the federal rule that governs the matter. In this case, Article 73 et seq. of REN 1,059/2023;
  • That the State's electricity concessionaires prove the issuance of previous studies of disturbance of the consumer's installations in their distribution system for the purposes of subsequent application of paragraph 1. which deals with flow reversal;
  • They must use art. 73 of REN 1000/21 and art. 104 et seq. of the same resolution, aiming to offer VIABLE OPTIONS to the integrator/consumer, discarding the following “solutions”: CONNECTION AT NIGHT TIME – from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am and construction costs for the consumer.

Furthermore, Aliança Solar highlights in the document that the electricity distributors, after demonstrating the disturbances that the new connection would cause in the electrical system, produce their opinions as follows: 

  • Signed by an electrical engineer, with issuance of the respective ART (Technical Responsibility Note);
  • Issued in the same way as the descriptive memorials that are charged to integrators for requesting access to the energy distributor's network; 
  • They must contain the data of the Substation to which the feeder is linked, with primary voltage (AT), secondary voltage (MT), feeder load currents (maximum and minimum load), in amps (A), distribution transformers connected to the feeder (by power in kVA), the distance from each one to said Substation, and the distance from this substation to the point of the transformer at which the connection is being requested; 
  • They must inform the short circuit level (in MVA or in Ampere) of the substation and in the primary of the distribution transformer that will serve the connection (in MVA or in Ampere) or in the case of minigeneration in the primary of the connection point; 
  • They will contain a basic sketch (single-line diagram) of the substation, from the feeder to the location where the connection is being requested, subject of the rejection.

Other document

In addition to formalizing this document for the State Legislative Assembly, Aliança Solar also informed that it will forward a second document to the Legislative House next Monday. 

This is a formal proposal to resolve problems related to projects with power of up to 1 MW. “We will make a proposal for microgeneration and minigeneration and it will be delivered to the legislative assembly next Monday”, commented Martins.

“We will ask that no project up to 1 MW be rejected. Eventually, if there is a failure, the premises set out in the first document (which was delivered this week to the Legislative Assembly) must be met”, highlighted the president and founder of the MSL. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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