ANEEL opens public call for energy efficiency projects in hospitals

According to the Agency, 4 thousand Brazilian hospitals have the potential to participate in the project
ANEEL abre chamada pública para projetos de eficiência energética em hospitais

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) announced last Tuesday (5), the opening of the Public Call for Priority Energy Efficiency Project nº 003/2020.

The measure aims to receive proposals from distributors interested in presenting solutions for public hospitals or entities that have CEBAS (Certification of Social Assistance Charitable Entities).

According to a survey carried out by the Agency, approximately 4 thousand Brazilian public or certified charitable hospitals have the potential to participate in the priority project.

Read too: SP allocates R$ 300 million for hospitals to finance photovoltaic equipment

Energy efficiency projects include diagnosing electrical installations, exchanging air conditioning units and light bulbs for others with lower consumption, and also installing own generation such as photovoltaic solar plants and cogeneration systems.

Energy efficiency project in Santa Casa de Vinhedo (SP)

In 2019, the electricity concessionaire CPFL de Piratininga invested around R$ 450 thousand in the implementation of a photovoltaic energy generation system at the Santa Casa de Vinhedo hospital (SP). The project was financed by ANEEL's Energy Efficiency Program. In total, 63 380 W solar panels were implemented.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

2 Responses

  1. Goodnight! Prof. Hilton Ferreira
    I am a postgraduate student in Hospital Architecture, in the development of my TCC I will address Sustainability – Efficient Energy Sources in the hospital area
    I would like your help in identifying the NBR that specifically deal with EAS.
    email: [email protected]
    Thank you in advance for your attention

  2. There has long been a decree law from the FHC government that obliges public bodies of indirect and direct administration to implement an internal Energy Conservation Commission (CICE). Since then, I believe that few of these institutions know about the existence of this obligation, in other words, it is another law not to be taken into account, it is only for English people, see! Today, with the water crisis knocking on our doors, our eyes are on the implementation of energy efficiency projects. There are studies that indicate that each real invested in this technological segment returns three reals, therefore, it is unjustifiable shortsightedness not to disseminate the culture of using energy resources, with due parsimony. We have a privileged matrix in terms of the predominance of renewable energy sources that can be used to complement traditional ones, particularly wind and photovoltaic generation. As an example, we mention that our average available KWh/m² is higher than the maximum of European countries, some of which are protagonists in the generation capacity of this source. Technological innovations have been enjoying admirable voluptuousness. There is already research on generation at night. Which would be revolutionary. Engineer and Professor; masters in electrical engineering science – COPPE/UFRJ – consultant in energy efficiency and photovoltaic generation.

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