ANEEL opens public consultation on green hydrogen

This measure is important to begin plans to create this new market in Brazil
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Hydrogen promises to be a great vector in the low-carbon economy. Photo: Reproduction

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) will receive contributions from society for the elaboration of a Research, Development and Innovation Program (DPI) aimed at H2V (green hydrogen) industry.

With a contribution deadline of July 24th, the Public Consultation nº 18/23 is an important step to start plans to create a green hydrogen market in Brazil.

Hydrogen is an important energy vector, considered as fundamental to reducing carbon emissions sectors such as energy, electro-intensive industry and transport, including heavy cargo such as ships and planes.

Hydrogen can be produced from various energy sources, such as coal, natural gas, electricity, among others. It is considered green when its energy source comes from renewable technologies, such as wind, solar and biomass.

The hydrogen market should attract a lot of investment, especially in countries like Brazil, which has one of the most renewable electrical matrices in the world.

According to ABH2 (Brazilian Hydrogen Association), currently the production cost of green hydrogen varies between US$ 5 and US$ 7 per kilogram. In contrast, hydrogen produced from fossil fuels is about US$ 1.4 per kilogram of hydrogen produced.

A BloombergNEF study projects Brazil as one of the only countries capable of offering green hydrogen at a cost below US$ 1 per kilogram by 2030. In 2050, this figure could drop to US$ 0.55/kg.

“The focus of this PDI call is to promote projects that promote the production of this hydrogen using energy generated by renewable sources of electricity, such as hydraulic, biomass, wind and solar”, says the ANEEL statement. The adoption of nuclear energy for the production of H2V is being studied, but the topic is awaiting a position from the ANEEL Federal Attorney's Office.

According to the Agency, projects will be accepted in the Pilot Plant and Parts and Components modality. “ANEEL expects that the projects will allow the analysis of the impacts and externalities of the project product on the electrical system, the identification of opportunities for the electrical sector within the scope of renewable hydrogen production, the sizing of non-technical obstacles and the proposition of improvements regulatory. The Agency also relies on the development of national technology and solutions and the creation of innovation networks in renewable hydrogen and new products or new business models”.

In the view of ANEEL technicians, renewable hydrogen is one of the innovations capable of sustaining the growth in demand for electricity, in partnership with digitalization, the electrification of end uses and the increase in energy efficiency.

It has the ability to connect to the electrical sector several sectors of industry and the economy that currently use non-renewable resources as sources of energy and raw materials. The ability to accumulate hydrogen in large quantities and its easy conversion into electricity could result in new energy storage options for the operation of the electricity sector.

Among the impacts of renewable hydrogen visualized by ANEEL are the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the operational flexibility of the electrical grid, considering that hydrogen can be stored and transported with relative ease, and the opening of business opportunities, with job creation and the possibility of adding value to various national industry products.

The documents related to the call and the form for sending contributions can be accessed on the ANEEL page, in the space of Public Consultation No. 018/2023. Click here to access.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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