ANEEL opens public consultation on regulation of Minha Casa, Minha Vida

Agency will also discuss improvements to flow inversion in distributed generation connection processes
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ANEEL abre consulta pública sobre regulamentação do Minha Casa, Minha Vida
Photo: ANEEL/Reproduction

This Thursday (8), as announced by Canal Solar, The ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) opened the Consultation 003/2024 aiming regulate the Law 14,620/2023, which deals with the resumption of program Minha Casa, Minha Vida.

The measure is of direct interest to the solar energy sector, since its scope is expected to installation of solar energy systems in the housing program units.

The normative It will be open until February 23rd for society to forward suggestions to the preliminary regulatory text, proposed for analysis.

The 15-day period, an exception to the Agency's practice of 45 consecutive days, is due to the urgency to begin public policy actions.

Click here to consult the Consultation 003/2024 and obtain more information about the documents made available by the Agency.

The public consultation will establish the requirements for distributors to carry out the services provided for by legislation, as well as the conditions for the reimbursement of costs related to these services and to discount on payment for network availability, as provided by law for housing covered by public policy.   

Opening of the Public Consultation was defined at an Agency meeting. Photo: ANEEL/Disclosure

See the main points that will require changes from ANEEL:

Infrastructure deployment: According to the law, so that the residence in the program can carry out distributed microgeneration in a subsidized manner, the electrical energy infrastructure up to the connection of the project will be made available by the concessionaires and licensees of the public distribution service, and may be subsidized or financed with resources from the program.

50% discount on availability cost: The law provides that participants in the SCEE (Electric Energy Compensation System) registered in the CadÚnico (Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government) will have a reduction of at least 50% in relation to the minimum billable value applicable to other consumers with micro and distributed minigeneration. 

ANEEL proposes that the discount be set at 50%, considering that the cost related to the distribution network will continue to exist and that the equivalent of the other 50% will be incorporated into the tariff paid by all energy consumers in the regulated market.

Sale of surplus energy to public bodies: The law brings something new regarding distributed micro and minigeneration, which is the possibility, exclusively for participants in the housing program, to sell with public bodies at the three levels (federal, state and municipal) the electrical energy generated by microgeneration systems and not used by the consumer. Until Law 14,620/2023, the commercialization of this surplus was restricted to sales to the local distributor through a public call.

The Agency argues that the regulation of commercialization with public bodies must contain a minimum set of parameters to regulate operational aspects that are different from the SCEE model and the classic commercialization model. To simplify operations, ANEEL proposes that energy sold to public bodies should be billed in a similar way to energy compensated in the SCEE

Flow reversal will also be discussed

In addition to regulating the provisions of Law 14,620/2023, ANEEL included in Public Consultation 3/2024 the discussion on the topic of flow reversal, related to the process for connecting micro and mini energy generators to the grid. 

Since the publication of Resolution 1,059/2023, the Agency has received questions about the application of article 73 of the ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1000/2021 – which provides for studies to be carried out by the distributor if the new connection or increase in injected power from microgeneration or distributed minigeneration results in an inversion of the power flow at the distributor's transformation station or at the feeder's circuit breaker.

ANEEL identified the need to clarify in the text the procedure to be adopted by distributors.

See how to send suggestions

Public Consultation 3/2024 will be available for sending contributions by email [email protected]. The draft resolution and other information about the consultation will be published on the ANEEL website, in the space of Public Consultation No. 3/2024. Click here.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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