ANEEL will open Public Consultation on Minha Casa, Minha Vida and flow reversal

The decision was taken on Tuesday night (06), at a meeting held by the board of directors of the regulatory body
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ANEEL abrirá Consulta Pública sobre Minha Casa Minha Vida e inversão de fluxo
ANEEL Board during the meeting this Tuesday (06). Photo: ANEEL/Disclosure

A regulation of the application of solar energy at the My Home, My Life program and the discussions on compliance with article 73 of Resolution 1,059 (which provides for flow reversal in distributed generation systems) by Brazilian distributors will be matters addressed in Public Consultation.

A measure is scheduled to be opened this Thursday (08) by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) expressly. That is, there will be a period of up to 15 days for what associations of the electrical sector and civil society send their contributions on both topics. 

Issues that do not involve the solar source in the housing program and flow reversal will be disregarded by the regulatory body. A decision was made, at a meeting of the Agency's board of directors, late this Tuesday night (06).

A meeting, in question, had as objective discuss the problems related to flow reversal and also the regulation of Law 14,620 – text approved by deputies and senators in 2023, which foresees the resumption of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program with new features, one of which is the installation of solar systems in homes in the program. 

As deputies and senators do not analyze technical terms for the viability of the items approved in the law for the electricity sector, it is up to ANEEL to make a final resolution with the technical opinion on the topic. 

The same was done, for example, in February 2023, with Law 14,300, when the Agency regulated the operation of the law approved by deputies and senators through Resolution 1,059.  

Flow reversal

Moments before ANEEL decides to open the Public Consultation, one of the Agency's directors (Fernando Mosna) even suggested a solution to mitigate the problems experienced by consumers who want to generate their own energy. 

The director suggested to the other directors that in distributed generation systems with a load of up to 50 kW in the residential, commercial and rural classes, the refusal of projects due to flow reversal would be eliminated, aiming to alleviate the problems caused to companies in the solar energy sector and low voltage consumers. 

However, the suggestion from the principal was not taken forward, as it was an unsuccessful vote for the majority of the Agency's board of directors. O Solar Channel is following the procedures and as soon as the Public Consultation is published we will release more information. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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