ANEEL approves tariff adjustment for Enel Rio and CPFL Santa Cruz

New tariffs will come into force in March, according to the Agency
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Novas tarifas passam a entrar em vigência ainda no mês de março, aponta Agência
The main items that impacted the adjustment were transportation, distribution and energy purchase costs. Photo: Marcello Casal/Agência Brasil/Reproduction

A ANEEL approved, this Tuesday (19), the readjustment tariff annual CPFL Santa Cross, headquartered in Jaguariúna (SP), and Enel River.

To the tariffs from the distributor CPFL Santa Cruz, which serves more than 503 thousand consumer units, will enter in force from next Friday (22).

Already the Enel River, which serves 2.7 million consumer units in 66 municipalities in the state, he had your tariffs invigorated in day 15 March.

See the table below for the new distributor indices.

Enel Rio distributor indices

Indexes of the distributor CPFL Santa Cruz

According to ANEEL, the items that most impacted the distributors' tariff process were the costs of purchasing energy, distribution, energy transportation and payment of sectoral charges.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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