ANEEL authorizes operation of solar plant and Brazil reaches 4 GW of power in GC

UFV Pereira Barreto I to IV is the largest in the State of São Paulo and has 167.58 MW of installed capacity
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ANEEL autoriza operação de usina solar e Brasil bate 4 GW de geração centralizada
ANEEL authorizes operation of solar plant and Brazil achieves 4 GW of centralized generation

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) authorized the start of commercial operation of the largest solar generation plant in the State of São Paulo. This is the Pereira Barreto I to IV complex, with 167.58 MW of installed capacity.

The project is located in the city of Pereira Barreto, on the banks of the Três Irmãos hydroelectric reservoir. The space has 600,000 panels aimed at producing clean, renewable electrical energy.

According to the Agency, the entry into operation of the new plant in the city of São Paulo represents surpassing the mark of 4 GW of centralized photovoltaic generation in operation in the SIN (National Interconnected System).

The complex begins operations six months in advance of its commitment when awarded by ANEEL and, according to the company itself, will help the country face the biggest water crisis in the last 91 years. 

For Bernardo Marangon,  specialist in electrical energy markets and director of Exata Energia, News involving the growth of centralized solar generation in Brazil will become increasingly common in the coming years, regardless of the low demand presented by energy distributors in regulated auctions. 

“The negotiation of long-term energy contracts (PPA) or structures that involve partnerships between consumers and project developers (self-production), has grown rapidly, guaranteeing the expansion of generation, which will mainly take place through solar and wind farms”, he highlighted.

Expansion of solar energy 

Brazil surpassed, this Thursday (11), the historic mark of 11 GW of operational power from the solar source, adding the distributed and centralized generations. The record was reached less than a month after the source having exceeded 10 GW, on August 20th

A survey carried out by Solar Channel, this week, also showed that the photovoltaic market remains extremely hot in 2021, with the installation of a solar system every two minutes in the Brazilian distributed generation segment.

Furthermore, estimates from BNEF (BloomberNEF) also indicate that, in the worst case scenario, the expectation is that By 2050, total photovoltaic DG (distributed generation) capacity will reach 84 GW of installed power in Brazil. Regarding GC (centralized generation), the expectation is 37 GW. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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