ANEEL confirms solar energy as a priority for the next two years

Agency reveals that study to value DG attributes will be taken into consideration in the 2022 and 2023 Regulatory Agenda
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Study to value the attributes of solar DG (Distributed Generation) will be prioritized and taken into consideration in the next two years

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) promoted, on the morning of this Thursday (16), a webinar with the aim of clarifying more information regarding the Regulatory Agenda 2022/2023.

When questioned by the report from the Solar ChannelRodrigo Fernandes Braga Coelho, chief of staff of the Agency's director general, stated that the study of valuation of GD attributes Solar (Distributed Generation) will be prioritized and taken into consideration.

“The Agency will deal with the issue of distributed generation and the regulation of the remaining items that were not possibly addressed in the bill [PL 5829], which was approved in the Chamber [of Deputies], and is now going to the Senate”, he said.

Coelho highlighted, however, that the Agency is awaiting approval of the proposal in the National Congress and the presidential sanction to “immediately regulate the points covered by law and those that have not been addressed, but which are the sole responsibility of the regulatory agency”, he stressed.


The webinar promoted by ANEEL focused 100% of its time on explaining how the schedule adopted by the company will be for defining the topics that will be prioritized in 2022 and 2023. The entity did not mention topics other than solar, but pointed out that they will be defined at the end of the year, after contributions from society.

Recently, the Agency opened a space on its website to collect suggestions about the regulatory processes that should be a priority for the Brazilian electricity sector in the next two years. Interested parties have until September 29th to submit proposals, using the contribution form, available here.

During the event, Coelho highlighted that the suggestions will be analyzed and divided into two groups: the priority agendas will be delivered in 2022 and the indicative ones – which in the company's assessment have a lower degree of relevance – only in 2023.


After the deadline for considerations has passed, ANEEL will analyze the items sent and prepare the Regulatory Agenda for the next biennium in October. On November 3rd, the company's board of directors will meet, and on November 12th a public hearing will be held to announce the action plan. The eventual approval of the document by the entity's directors is scheduled for the beginning of December.

Photo: ANEEL
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

10 Responses

  1. With water resources becoming increasingly scarce, I hope the government will help this sector by reducing taxes and encouraging this resource that the sun offers us for free.

  2. We hope that these proposals and regulations benefit users who have chosen to install solar energy capture for use in their work environments and homes, as it is connected to the electricity grid.

  3. José Luiz Pereira
    I am a residential user of solar energy producing 16 panels of 410 w each for my own use.
    I hope that the competent bodies analyze and give priority to residential users who managed to make it through a lot of sacrifice and paying the installments to have this system that is of great value.

  4. ANEEL's actions are regrettable. Always on the side of the concessionaires and against Brazil and Brazilians.
    This is not a time to tax, but rather to encourage growth in the number of solar production, which would greatly help in the growth of the solar matrix.
    ANEEL advocates in favor of the distributors. The people who lose themselves

  5. As long as, once again, they do not harm the user of electricity, as they have invested their own resources and ALREADY also pay for the use of the electricity company's resources. The sun being the natural resource of every human being, just like the oxygen we breathe. Enough of being taxed by these people who only think about their own financial gains.

  6. Energy concessionaires could also work as finance companies and thus increase their profits by giving consumers the opportunity to install photovoltaic modules in their homes. Everyone would leave happy and with good deals closed. This financing could come from the energy bills themselves. Making banking bureaucracy easier

  7. I just hope that these greedy governments don't load up on taxes like they did with fuel and electricity itself. Please do not impose taxes on renewable and clean energy.

  8. The water crisis made it clear to the Agency that it has to adapt and create new alternatives for energy generation. Solar energy is still the best option we have. The technology has already been mastered and the cost has proven to be satisfactory, as long as the government does not start to make the service unfeasible with abusive taxes.

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