ANEEL and GD: sector professionals echo the agency's statements last week

Specialists in the Brazilian photovoltaic market are attentive to the movements of the regulatory body
ANEEL e a GD: profissionais do setor comentam sobre as últimas declarações da agência

After André Pepitone, general director of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), stated that the agency is in favor of DG (distributed generation) and it is up to the National Congress or the Federal Government to define public policy, professionals in the solar sector are attentive to the movements of the regulatory body and the political scenario.

For lawyer Marina Meyer, legal director of ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation), Pepitone's speech is prudent and agrees with the agency's speech. 

“I found this response from ANEEL's general director very sensible, reasonable and balanced. It is even aligned with the speech of the National Electric Energy Agency as a regulatory body. We have to have this sustainable and balanced view of the 482 review process, and we are certainly already going through this legislative process of change, so much so that we have several bills that are addressing the issue”, he comments.

“And the whole issue of the electricity compensation system, in which we have the basis of the distributed generation process in Brazil, will be done, as said by the director general, through Federal Legislation on the subject. This brings legal security to the sector, new investments, a clear and sustainable basis for distributed generation in Brazil”, adds Marina.

Lawyer Bárbara Rubim, vice-president of Distributed Generation of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), highlights that it is important for the sector to see the recognition of ANEEL's general board of directors regarding the importance of the arrival of a legal framework for distributed generation, just like other segments of the electricity sector have. 

“The arrival of this legal framework will be able to bring more legal stability to the sector, ensuring the continuity of its growth and the continued arrival of investments. Furthermore, the National Congress, as a representative of the people, seems to be better able to build a public policy for distributed generation aligned with society's desires, with regard to the development of the electricity sector and the continuity of growth in Brazil”, highlights Bárbara .

Executive Leandro Martins, CEO of Ecori Energia Solar, received the comments from ANEEL's general director with reservations. “It is worth remembering that in 2019 the agency itself, headed by Pepitone, made a proposal to change the rules of the distributed generation sector, irresponsible to say the least, with totally unfavorable scenarios for DG in Brazil, disregarding the generation of jobs, equal development in different regions of Brazil and depriving citizens of generating their own energy under the current rules of resolution 482”, he comments.

“A more concrete positioning of Pepitone would be of great value in understanding whether or not it supports our sector, which has been in the spotlight for decades around the world. We need to place Brazil at higher levels so that we are increasingly respected globally, and not defend changes to the rules of a sector that is just starting out. Ecori is against any change at this time and we count on our president, and the entire political class, to stand by our side in favor of the jobs created and taxes paid”, adds Martins.

For Hewerton Martins, president of the MSL association (Movimento Solar Livre), Pepitone's speech was not clear. “Pepitone cites subsidies as if they actually existed, and reinforces the speech that wants good for the consumer, but he has not proven where the subsidies are. He was aggressive on November 9, 2019, citing that he would not accept cries from the market and consumers. Now it positions itself as peaceful and accessible, but it talks about subsidies and plays for Congress.”

Electrical engineer Jorge Viana, founder of BES Brasil Energia Sustentável, a company specialized in photovoltaic projects, states that he is following the sector's movements and hopes that this impasse in the sector will be resolved soon.

“The municipality in the state of Boa Vista, capital of Roraima, has invested massively in solar energy, with a park that totals almost 7 MW of installations connected to the grid. The biggest barrier we are facing in the region is the lack of synergy on the part of the concessionaire, which fails to meet the deadlines set out in GD regulations, forcing the customer to have to contact ANEEL countless times for the connection to be established and the generation to be credited” , reports Viana.

For Elvis Almeida, commercial director of MySol, an integrative company located in Sorocaba (SP), Pepitone's speech reinforces the agency's position in the technical sphere of the matter and letting the legislature decide on the issue of compensation.

“This is a stance long awaited by society, that ANEEL supports the growth of GD, as it has been doing. Now, it is up to the sector and society to continue putting pressure on their representatives in congress so that the will of the population is done, which is to have the freedom to choose renewable energy sources to consume”, says the executive.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

5 Responses

  1. In fact, what interests ANEEL is money.
    If they are losing sources of profit with poor quality service, they still feel entitled to tax those who generate their own energy!!!
    Instead of encouraging citizens to produce their own energy, they want to discourage it!!!
    It's very shameful!!!

  2. It is important that there is a definition of the changes that will certainly occur in resolution 482, which deals with renewable energy. The business and consumer market needs this definition. A developed world sees photovoltaic generation as an alternative to combating carbon emissions into the environment. See carbon credits. We cannot be out of step with the world. Let us remember that we are privileged in these sources.

  3. The reality is one, first comes technology and then regulation, chasing after it to harm the development of the nation, the well-being of society and our freedom.
    When they manage to regulate compensation the way they want, we will already have storage. Instead of obtaining and providing quality energy and lowering the cost for everyone, through private investments, they will have to find other taxes, in addition to the tax on the Sun.
    ANEEL is a stuck wheel, it just drags along. It's time for us to have people who are truly interested in the nation's growth.
    We, consumers, who generate our own energy, integrators, suppliers, distributors and everyone who participates in this production chain, cannot accept these purposeless aberrations.

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