ANEEL releases 7 solar plants for testing and operation in two weeks

Installed capacity of the new plants totals approximately 250 MW in the states of Minas Gerais and Bahia

In less than two weeks, the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) released around 250 MW of installed solar energy capacity in the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais. In total, there were four authorizations for operation and three for the start of tests between August 31st and September 11th.

During this period, the Agency gave a favorable opinion for the operation of three solar plants in Jaíba (MG) and another in the municipality of Oliveira dos Brejinhos (BA). The new projects total 93.8 MW of installed photovoltaic capacity.

The company also released 47.3 MW of solar energy for testing in Juazeiro (BA) and 108.8 MW in two more solar plants in the city of Oliveira dos Brejinhos (BA). The order, with approvals for the start of tests, was published in the Official Gazette of the Union this Monday (13).

Solar plants released for operation:

  • Jaíba 3 (33 MW), Jaíba 4 (33 MW) and Jaíba 9 (22.5 MW), totaling 88.5 MW of installed capacity, in Jaíba (MG).
  •  Sol do Sertão VIII (5.3 MW), in the municipality of Oliveira dos Brejinhos (BA).

Solar plants released for testing:

  • Juazeiro Solar V, in Juazeiro (BA), with an installed capacity of 47.3 MW.
  • Terra do Sol VII and Sol do Sertão XII, totaling another 108.8 MW of installed capacity, in Oliveira dos Brejinhos (BA).

Transmission lines

Last Saturday (11), ANEEL, the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) and the TAESA (Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica) inaugurated a new energy transmission line in the municipality of Janaúba (MG), with the aim of reinforcing energy transport from the Northeast to the Southeast and Center-West of the country.

“This project will make it possible to increase the flow of energy exchange in the Northeast and Southeast regions by around 1.6 MW”, explained the general director of ANEEL, André Pepitone, during the inauguration event of the new infrastructure.

According to him, the work is essential for Brazil to face the most severe water shortage in the last 91 years. “It [new transmission line] allows us to bring energy to the Southeast region, precisely where the reservoirs of hydroelectric plants are being punished by the longest period of drought”, he commented.

The Agency's executive also said that new transmission lines should enter commercial operation in the country, by the end of the year, in the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia, Maranhão, Piauí, Tocantins and Pará.

“We have scheduled, for the coming months, the entry into operation of two new transmission lines that will further increase the capacity to take clean and renewable energy from the Northeast region to the Southeast region”, he added.

Two sections make up the transmission line: the first starting from LT Pirapora 2 (MG) to LT Janaúba 3 (MG), 238 kilometers (km) long; and the second leaving from Janaúba 3 (MG) to LT Bom Jesus da Lapa II (BA), with 304 km. The project was built with investments of R$ 1 billion from TAESA, the company that won the bidding process.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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