ANEEL released power cuts for low-income people

Suspended since April, the measure came back into effect in October
ANEEL liberou o corte de energia para pessoas de baixa renda

This Friday (1), ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) authorized the power cut for low-income families who do not pay their energy bill from October onwards.

The Agency suspended the power cut in April this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The ban on cuts covered around 12 million families that fall under the social electricity tariff.

Initially, ANEEL's measure would be valid until June, but it was extended until September. “With this new measure, consumers need to pay attention to their bills, value, due date, default and the like. It is worth noting that, before suspending energy supply, the distributor must notify the consumer at least 15 days in advance”, highlights André Cavalcanti, CEO of Elétron Energy. 

Read too: Electricity bill portability bill will be voted on at the end of the month

Low-income people are considered to have an income less than or equal to half the minimum wage or registered in CadÚnico with a monthly income of up to three minimum wages and who have someone with a chronic illness in their residence who requires the continuous use of vital equipment that depends on energy. electrical. 

Beneficiaries of the BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit), elderly people or people with disabilities who have a family income of up to a quarter of the minimum wage per person are also eligible.

São Paulo

In the state of São Paulo, the energy concessionaire Enel Brasil launched a campaign to negotiate debts with special conditions for low-income customers registered with the TSEE (Social Electricity Tariff). The concessionaire's campaign allows the energy bill to be paid in installments, in case of delays, in up to 13 installments with exemption from late fees and monthly interest of 1%. 


The Neoenergia concessionaire in the state of Pernambuco offered special conditions for low-income consumers in its trading portal. To use the services, access must be provided by providing the customer's CPF and contract account. You can then view the debt and the available payment terms.  

According to the company, on the portal the user will find a series of advantages when paying invoices, such as paying in cash, paying the debt in full with the Caixa Elo virtual card (Emergency Aid) or paying in up to 12 installments using a credit card. Master, Visa, Hiper, Elo and Amex cards are also accepted for trading.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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