ANEEL fines the concessionaire responsible for the blackout in Amapá

After the agency's decision, the concessionaire stated that it will appeal to the Court
ANEEL multa do Amapá em R$ 3 milhões por apagão no fim de 2020

The concessionaire LMTE (Linhas de Macapá Transmissora de Energia) was fined by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) in R$ 3.6 million due to the blackout  which occurred in November last year in the state of Amapá.

The cost was defined by the agency's board of directors and represents 3.54% of the value of the concessionaire's NOR (Net Operating Revenue) in 2020. This was the largest fine applied by ANEEL.

In a note, the concessionaire declared that it is permitted, under the infraction notice, to file an appeal, and that it will therefore appeal the measure within 10 days, and that the blackout was a 'set of factors' that are being investigated. 

The ONS (National Electric System Operator) stated that a series of faults were found in the plants, the distribution network and the Macapá Substation.

The blackout hit 13 of the state's 16 cities on November 3, 2020. The crisis occurred after a fire at the Macapá Substation, the main substation in the state, which is under the responsibility of LMTE.

For 22 days, 89% in Amapá's electrical system failed. The inhabitants lived under electricity rotation in order to have electricity at certain times of the day. 

Furthermore, two more blackouts occurred in the state, one on November 17th and another on January 15th, 2021. Because of what happened, the municipal elections in the state capital had to be postponed. The second round ended on December 20, 2020. 

Note released by LMTE

“The Infraction Notice can be appealed and the company will appeal within the stipulated period. The causes that led to multiple contingencies, paralyzing two transformers at the Macapá substation, on November 3, 2020, are still being investigated; It is already known, however, that a set of factors led to the disruption of Amapá's electricity system, including lack of redundancy, lack of sectoral planning, lack of a special protection system (SEP), which should have been foreseen in the original project, as recently recommended in the ONS Analysis and Disruption Report (RAP).”

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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