ANEEL publishes criteria for adding renewables in isolated systems

According to the Regulatory Impact Analysis, photovoltaic solar energy is the most suitable
Aneel publica critérios para adição de fontes renováveis em usinas a diesel em sistemas isolados
For photovoltaic plants added to thermoelectric plants, there is now a specific rule. Photo: Elements.

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) published the Resolution 961 (Normative Resolution No. 961/2021), establishing the criteria for the addition of renewable sources and storage systems in diesel plants in isolated systems.

According to AIR (Regulatory Impact Analysis), photovoltaic solar energy is the most suitable renewable source for the addition process to these systems.

“Before this resolution, the possibility of adding renewable source generating units to isolated systems was analyzed on a case-by-case basis, without there being an objective rule, with the division of benefits achieved with the combination of sources to these systems”, he explains. Einar Tribuci, partner at Tribuci Advogados and legal and tax director at ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation).

According to Tribuci, the new rule establishes that for CCESI (Electrical Energy and Power in Isolated Systems Commercialization Contracts) with a remaining term of more than five years – that the generating plant still does not use renewable source generating units – the reduction of the installments that make up the reference price until the end of the contract will be 30%, in relation to the estimated benefit. 

As for photovoltaic plants added to thermoelectric plants, there is now a specific rule, as explained by the expert. “It will compute as an estimated benefit the cost avoided with the use of fuel, minus the unit cost of photovoltaic energy, multiplied by the estimated renewable energy production, divided by the amount of energy required in the related CCESI”, he says.

REN 961/2021 also has an attached table that includes the cost of photovoltaic energy (R$/MWh) by power range and by the number of years remaining in the CCESI. Check it out below:

Custos da energia fotovoltaica por faixa de potência e pela quantidade de anos remanescentes do CCESI

For Tribuci, the measure should achieve its objective by enabling the addition of renewable source generating units to isolated systems. “Mainly photovoltaic, thus impacting the reduction in the cost of the CDE (Energy Development Account) for all consumers”.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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