ANEEL and the solar sector: there is no agreement

A large part of society is united in a movement against ANEEL's proposals

Contrary to what has been reported, there is still no retreat or agreement between ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and the solar sector. To date, the photovoltaic market remains uncertain about the maintenance of acquired rights, in addition to the changes proposed in REN 482 (Normative Resolution 482/2012).

The discussion surrounding the new rules for distributed generation is increasingly heated and still promises twists and turns. A large part of society is united in a movement against ANEEL's proposals, which harm the distributed generation sector and could seriously shake the photovoltaic solar energy market. 

On Thursday (31), the presidency of FIESP (Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo) called an emergency meeting with the minister of MME (Mines and Energy), Bento Albuquerque, the directors of ANEEL, André Pepitone and Rodrigo Limpi , and more than 30 entrepreneurs from the solar sector.

ABSOLAR (Brazilian Solar Energy Association) and ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation) also participated, as well as several members of ABRADEE (Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Distributors).

During the meeting, ANEEL directors and the Minister of Mines and Energy admitted that the proposed new rules are harmful to the development of photovoltaic solar energy in Brazil. According to the testimony of people present at the meeting, ANEEL is aware of the strength of the existing movement in favor of solar energy and the population's desires.

ANEEL also admitted that it was mistaken regarding the proposal made two weeks ago regarding the maintenance of acquired rights for only 10 years for generators already installed, which differs from the initial proposal of 25 years.

According to members defending the solar sector present at the meeting, the news released regarding a possible agreement is untrue and only attempts to divert public attention, with the aim of weakening the spirit of the movement against the new rules and in defense of the solar sector. 

According to lawyer Bárbara Rubim, vice-president of Distributed Generation at ABSOLAR, during the meeting “the minister spoke out, saying that respect for contracts is something basic in Brazil”. Also according to the executive, ANEEL and the minister stated that rights during the 25-year period would be guaranteed.

However, there was no formal agreement, despite the statements heard at the meeting, and discussions are still ongoing. must Continue. The clash is far from over and the next chapter will take place at ANEEL's in-person public hearing that will take place next Thursday (7), in Brasília (DF).

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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